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/ The Complete Encyclopedia of Games 3 / GAMES1000V3_d1.iso / arcade / be10

Jump To: Text (7)  |  Other (17)

Text (7)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
be.doc Text File 49 2KB 1996-03-29
be.map Text File 11,523 35KB 1996-01-18
be.pal Text File 257 2KB 1993-07-20
be.puz Text File 11,523 36KB 1996-01-19
file_id.diz Text File 12 399b 1996-01-20
filelist.cpy Text File 24 229b 1997-08-21
nbones.doc Text File 37 2KB 1997-03-08

Other Files (17)
be.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 106KB 1996-01-28
config.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 20KB 1996-01-15
air.ele Unknown 14KB 1996-01-25
be.bmg Unknown 6KB 1996-01-25
be.fnt Unknown 25KB 1996-01-25
be.snd Unknown 8KB 1996-01-25
earth.ele Unknown 12KB 1996-01-25
electric.ele Unknown 9KB 1996-01-25
fire.ele Unknown 17KB 1996-01-25
logo.dat Unknown 19KB 1993-11-02
logo.nsn Unknown 55KB 1996-01-25
magma.ele Unknown 9KB 1996-01-25
plant.ele Unknown 13KB 1996-01-25
rock.ele Unknown 9KB 1996-01-25
slime.ele Unknown 9KB 1996-01-25
snow.ele Unknown 10KB 1996-01-25
water.ele Unknown 12KB 1996-01-25