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/ DP Tool Club 15 / CD_ASCQ_15_070894.iso / vrac / automem.zip

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File Comment
An easy to use, and yet extremely effective
utility program. Designed to be run from the
hard drive, with many built-in safety
features. The program allows you to enter all
important dates, birthdays, anniv, deaths,
meetings, schedules, etc. You can enter the
month, day of month, year, event and 2 lines
of comments. Easy retrievel, and printout
options. Automatically, save to your backup
disk, compare and update your backup vs your
hard drive. Never for get dates. Last
revision date in archive: 05-28-94.

Text (12)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
AUTOMEM.DOC Text File 307 19KB 1994-05-16
COMPARE.BAT DOS Batch File 31 853b 1994-05-28
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 13 522b 1994-05-28
FLOPPY.BAT DOS Batch File 23 744b 1994-05-28
HARD.BAT DOS Batch File 22 737b 1994-05-28
INSTALLA.BAT DOS Batch File 5 41b 1994-05-14
INSTALLB.BAT DOS Batch File 5 41b 1994-05-14
PRINTDOC.BAT DOS Batch File 16 311b 1994-05-15
Q.BAT DOS Batch File 4 17b 1994-05-16
QUICKDOC.BAT DOS Batch File 245 13KB 1994-05-28
READ1ST.BAT DOS Batch File 29 1KB 1994-05-16
SAVE.BAT DOS Batch File 23 408b 1994-05-28

Other Files (9)
AUTOMEM.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 59KB 1994-05-14
AUTOMEM.001 Unknown 4KB 1994-05-13
AUTOMEM.ALT Unknown 4KB 1994-05-14
AUTOMEM.ENT Unknown 4KB 1994-05-12
AUTOMEM.RET Unknown 4KB 1994-05-13
AUTOMEM.SET Unknown 4KB 1994-05-16
ONSCREEN.DOC Unknown 4KB 1994-05-16
REGISTER.FUL Unknown 4KB 1994-05-13
SHAREWAR.FUL Unknown 4KB 1994-05-13