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File Comment
The Intelec Network Information File June 94
Friendly, Professional, Top-Quality Network!
Covering a Wide Range of Topics, From Issues
to Tech Support, Entertainment, & much more!
350 Member BBSs Worldwide! 197 conferences!
Last revision date in archive: 06-01-94.

Text (10)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
!READ_ME.1ST Text File 35 2KB 1994-06-01
ABOUT_IN.IN Text File 28 2KB 1994-06-01
APPLFORM.IN Text File 72 4KB 1994-06-01
CHANGES!.IN Text File 160 8KB 1994-06-01
CONFLIST.IN Text File 1,981 104KB 1994-06-01
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 7 271b 1994-06-01
MISTAKES.IN Text File 93 5KB 1994-06-01
NETRULES.IN Text File 322 19KB 1994-06-01
NODELIST.IN Text File 361 29KB 1994-06-01
TCANLIST.IN Text File 68 1KB 1994-06-01