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/ DP Tool Club 15 / CD_ASCQ_15_070894.iso / vrac / vend20sw.zip

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File Comment
The Disk Vendor Sales Catalog System. For
Shareware Distributors/vendors Who Wish To
Create Professional Looking On-disk Catalogs
Of Their Products.quick/easy Version 2.04sw.
Last revision date in archive: 03-24-94.

Text (18)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ADULT.CAT Text File 150 6KB 1994-03-21
ASP.TXT Text File 122 5KB 1994-03-21
BBS.CAT Text File 14 515b 1994-03-21
BIBLE.CAT Text File 209 8KB 1994-03-21
BUSINESS.CAT Text File 697 27KB 1994-03-21
CHANGES Text File 83 3KB 1994-03-21
COMPIL_S.CFG Text File 54 770b 1994-03-21
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 6 221b 1994-03-24
GO.BAT DOS Batch File 12 386b 1994-03-21
GOODBYE.TXT Text File 25 2KB 1994-03-21
HELLO.TXT Text File 27 2KB 1994-03-21
REGISTER.FRM Text File 107 3KB 1994-03-21
SHIPPING.TXT Text File 9 208b 1994-03-21
USER.DTA Text File 8 56b 1994-03-21
VENDOR.DOC Text File 749 36KB 1994-03-21
VIRUS.CAT Text File 38 1KB 1994-03-21
WAIT.TXT Text File 20 908b 1994-03-21
WORDPROC.CAT Text File 49 2KB 1994-03-21

Other Files (6)
CATALOG.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 62KB 1994-03-21
COAD_CVT.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 36KB 1994-03-21
COMPILE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 61KB 1994-03-21
LOGO.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 11KB 1994-03-21
REGISTER.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 35KB 1994-03-21
COMPILE.MY Unknown 40b 1994-03-24