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/ DP Tool Club 22
/ CD_ASCQ_22_0695.iso / vrac / 2shadows.zip
File Comment
Shadows of Darkness DOOM2 WAD DOOM2 Version
This DOOM2 WAD file is the most complex level
you will ever see not made by "Id!" This is
the mother of levels, good enough to be in
the actual game! Try this, it is worth the
download for any DOOM player! No bugs! As
perfect as humanly possible! Good for all
types of DOOMing. This is NOT a messy level!
Get the DOOM version if you can :. Last
revision date in archive: 03-18-95.
Archives (1)
Name | Format | # Files | Size | Date
| 10
| 178KB
| 1995-03-18
Text (2)