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/ Simtel MSDOS 1992 June / SIMTEL_0692.cdr / msdos / bbs / imail110.zip

File Comment
║     The Back Door Quick BBS running Version 2.75 Gamma-1 of Quick BBS    ║
║                         Sysop: Michael A. Packer                         ║
║                              Fido:  1:277/15                             ║
║                      USENET: pac@cerc.wvu.wvnet.edu                      ║
║        Including Over 50 conferences ranging from Adult to Writing       ║
║        Many of the newest Adult files and IBM Utilities and games.       ║
║  Phone:     (304) 296 - 3649                                             ║
║  Modem:     U.S. Robitics Dual Standard 300-14,400 bps                   ║
║  Time:      7 Days a week  23 hours per day (mail only from 3-4am)       ║

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CHANGES.DOC Text File 578 21KB 1991-02-10
IM_REPLY.TXT Text File 40 988b 1991-02-10
IMAIL.DOC Text File 5,121 181KB 1991-02-10
REGISTER.FRM Text File 63 2KB 1991-02-10

Other Files (3)
IMAIL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 112KB 1991-02-10
IMSETUP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 143KB 1991-02-10
IMTHINGS.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 87KB 1991-02-10