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File Comment
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Images (1)

Text (16)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
BANKS.ASM Assembly Source File 723 11KB 1990-05-04
EXAMPLE.C Text File 84 1KB 1990-05-04
EXAMPLE.MAP Text File 38 2KB 1990-05-04
LINE.ASM Assembly Source File 103 2KB 1990-05-04
MKEXAMP.BAT DOS Batch File 8 192b 1990-04-29
MKSTICKS.BAT DOS Batch File 9 207b 1990-05-04
MODE13X.ASM Assembly Source File 94 2KB 1990-05-04
MODEL.H Text File 3 19b 1990-04-30
POINT.ASM Assembly Source File 84 1KB 1990-05-04
RDPOINT.ASM Assembly Source File 66 1KB 1990-05-04
README.HOI Text File 15 446b 1990-08-09
STICKS.C Text File 77 1KB 1990-05-04
STICKS.MAP Text File 38 2KB 1990-05-04
SVGAMODE.ASM Assembly Source File 108 2KB 1990-05-04
VGAKIT.DOC Text File 255 8KB 1990-05-04
XPOINT.ASM Assembly Source File 88 1KB 1990-05-04

Other Files (11)
EXAMPLE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 5KB 1990-05-04
STICKS.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 5KB 1990-05-04
BANKS.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 6KB 1990-05-04
EXAMPLE.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 1KB 1990-05-04
LINE.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 873b 1990-05-04
MODE13X.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 652b 1990-05-04
POINT.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 829b 1990-05-04
RDPOINT.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 648b 1990-05-03
STICKS.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 1KB 1990-05-04
SVGAMODE.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 1KB 1990-05-04
XPOINT.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 857b 1990-05-04