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/ Internet Access: To the Information Highway / InternetAccessToTheInformationHighway1994.disc1of1.iso / gcomm / k / kerm312.zip

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File Comment
From Internet Access to the Information Highway, an Emerald Software Disc. 

Text (36)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ANSI.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 12 408b 1992-09-30
GETBIN.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 51 2KB 1992-09-30
GETTEXT.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 51 2KB 1992-09-30
HAYES.TAK Text File 53 2KB 1992-09-30
INITAT.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 12 386b 1992-09-30
INITAT30.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 13 403b 1992-09-30
INITZN.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 12 346b 1992-09-30
INITZN30.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 12 350b 1992-09-30
KERM.BAT DOS Batch File 38 838b 1992-09-30
KERMIT.TUT Text File 727 15KB 1992-09-30
MEMACSAT.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 13 543b 1992-09-30
MEMACSZN.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 13 534b 1992-09-30
MSE.BAT DOS Batch File 129 4KB 1992-09-30
MSK.BAT DOS Batch File 93 3KB 1992-09-30
MSK230QL.INI Text File 98 2KB 1992-09-30
MSK232AT.INI Text File 177 6KB 1992-09-30
MSK232ZN.INI Text File 175 6KB 1992-09-30
MSK300AT.INI Text File 172 6KB 1992-09-30
MSK300ZN.INI Text File 179 7KB 1992-09-30
MSKERM.BWR Text File 1,257 62KB 1992-09-30
MSKERM.HLP Text File 1,276 55KB 1992-09-30
MSKERMIT.INI Text File 269 10KB 1992-09-30
MSKERMIT.PCH Text File 15 755b 1992-09-30
MSR312.UPD Text File 562 25KB 1992-09-30
MSZ.BAT DOS Batch File 52 1KB 1992-09-30
MSZ30.BAT DOS Batch File 51 1KB 1992-09-30
PHONE.CLL Text File 142 4KB 1992-09-30
PUTBIN.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 44 2KB 1992-09-30
PUTTEXT.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 44 2KB 1992-09-30
SAMPLE.CLL Text File 35 2KB 1992-09-30
TSKERM.INF Text File 531 26KB 1992-09-30
TSKERM.NWS Text File 97 6KB 1992-09-30
TSKERM.POS Text File 471 22KB 1992-09-30
TSPROG.INF Text File 103 4KB 1992-09-30
VAASA.INF Text File 60 3KB 1992-09-30
ZSET.CMD OS/2 REXX Batch file 50 2KB 1992-09-30

Other Files (4)
KERMIT.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 198KB 1992-09-30
SCANCHEK.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 10KB 1992-09-30
TIMELOG.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 7KB 1992-09-30
KERMIT.PIF Microsoft Windows Program Information File 545b 1992-09-30