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/ Internet Access: To the Information Highway / InternetAccessToTheInformationHighway1994.disc1of1.iso / gcomm / t / tgsec14.zip

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File Comment
From Internet Access to the Information Highway, an Emerald Software Disc. 

Images (1)

Text (11)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ALIASES Text File 32 769b 1991-06-18
LOFF.BAT DOS Batch File 2 11b 1991-02-23
LOGOFF.BAT DOS Batch File 2 11b 1991-02-23
LOGON.BAT DOS Batch File 2 11b 1991-02-23
LON.BAT DOS Batch File 2 11b 1991-02-23
PACKING.LST File List 43 2KB 1991-06-17
README.!!! Text File 12 473b 1991-06-13
REVISION.TXT Text File 30 1KB 1991-06-13
STEP.TXT Text File 22 903b 1989-03-17
TGSEC14.DOC Text File 475 25KB 1991-06-17
VOLUME.LBL Text File 2 32b 1989-04-29

Other Files (13)
4DOS.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 10KB 1991-04-12
4DOS286.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 63KB 1991-04-12
4DOS88.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 66KB 1991-04-12
DISKIO.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 13KB 1989-03-17
FASTC.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 9KB 1989-03-17
FASTE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 10KB 1989-03-17
FASTX.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 10KB 1989-03-17
INSTALL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 14KB 1989-03-17
ZANSI.SYS MS-DOS Driver 2KB 1987-07-02
CHKLIST.CPS Unknown 108b 1991-06-25
SECURITY.DIR Unknown 9KB 1991-06-06
SPINTEST.COM Unknown 3KB 1989-03-17
STEP.COM Unknown 6b 1989-03-17