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/ Internet Access: To the Information Highway / InternetAccessToTheInformationHighway1994.disc1of1.iso / network / 1_m / fsl12a.zip

File Comment
From Internet Access to the Information Highway, an Emerald Software Disc. 

Text (9)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
HISTORY.DOC Text File 76 3KB 1993-06-14
INSTALL.BAT DOS Batch File 136 4KB 1993-05-04
PACKING.LST File List 52 2KB 1993-05-03
README.DOC Text File 668 28KB 1993-05-03
REGISTER.NL Text File 60 2KB 1993-05-03
REGISTER.US Text File 86 3KB 1993-05-03
SITELICE.DOC Text File 53 3KB 1993-05-06
SYSOP.DOC Text File 50 2KB 1993-05-03
VENDOR.DOC Text File 81 4KB 1993-05-03

Other Files (7)
FSLOGIN.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 2KB 1993-05-29
FSLOGIN.OVL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 70KB 1993-06-03
YESNO.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 32b 1993-03-27
NL.CWA C-Worthy Form 23KB 1993-06-03
US.CWA C-Worthy Form 23KB 1993-06-03
NL.HLP Unknown 3KB 1993-05-21
US.HLP Unknown 4KB 1993-04-18