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File Comment
║ The National PC and MIDI Data Bank ║
║           (708) 593-8703           ║
║            a service of            ║
║            ADA SYSTEMS             ║
║            P.O. Box 364            ║
║    Elk Grove Village, Il. 60007    ║

Document (12)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
DOCPAGE1.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 1KB 1987-06-05
DOCPAGE2.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 2KB 1987-06-05
DOCPAGE3.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1987-06-05
DOCPAGE4.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1987-06-05
DOCPAGE5.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 1KB 1987-06-05
DOCPAGE6.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1987-06-05
DOCPAGE7.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1987-06-05
DOCPAGE8.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 2KB 1987-06-05
DOCPAGE9.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1987-06-05
DOCPGE10.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1987-06-05
DOCPGE11.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 2KB 1987-06-05
DOCPGE12.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 1KB 1987-06-05

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
AUTOEXEC.BAT DOS Batch File 2 8b 1985-01-08
GO.BAT DOS Batch File 2 14b 1986-01-08
PRINTDOC.BAT DOS Batch File 14 278b 1987-01-10
PRINTONE.BAT DOS Batch File 35 1KB 1987-01-10
READ.ME Text File 23 1KB 1980-01-01
SCORE.BP0 Text File 6 128b 1987-05-20

Other Files (2)
BPEGA.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 99KB 1987-06-01
BRIDGE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 82KB 1987-05-19