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Anonymous ftp site garbo.uwasa.fi moderated by
Timo Salmi ts@chyde.uwasa.fi      PC directories and uploads
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Fonts (5)
NamePreview NamePreview

Adobe Type 1 Font

1991-01-08 (32KB)

Adobe Type 1 Font

1991-01-08 (27KB)

Adobe Type 1 Font

1991-01-08 (13KB)

Adobe Type 1 Font

1991-01-09 (16KB)

Adobe Type 1 Font

1991-01-09 (23KB)

Document (2)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
RSCANAI.DOC IBM Revisable-Form Text 4 7KB 1991-01-25
RSCHASLI.DOC Macintosh Word Document 3 13KB 1990-10-09

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
RSAND___.DOC Text File 55 4KB 1990-11-27

Other Files (5)
RSAND___.PFM Printer Font Metrics 682b 1991-01-08
RSCANAI.PFM Printer Font Metrics 678b 1991-01-08
RSCAVEMA.PFM Printer Font Metrics 678b 1991-01-08
RSCHACHA.PFM Printer Font Metrics 2KB 1991-01-09
RSCHASLI.PFM Printer Font Metrics 680b 1991-01-09