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/ World of A1200 / World_Of_A1200.iso / games / deluxegalaga

Jump To: Image (5)  |  Audio (3)  |  Document (2)  |  Text (3)  |  Other (8)

Images (5)

Audio & Music (3)
underwater Protracker Module 30s 63KB 1995-02-27
follin hiscore Protracker Module 15s 31KB 1995-02-27
**** The Alibi **** Protracker Module 6m31s 114KB 1995-02-27

Document (2)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
galaga-deutsch.guide Amigaguide Document 25 48KB 1995-02-27
galaga.guide Amigaguide Document 24 43KB 1995-02-27

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
galaga.modules_res Text File 8 337b 1995-02-27
read_me_first Text File 124 4KB 1995-02-27
shareware.text Text File 110 5KB 1995-02-27

Other Files (8)
galaga AmigaOS Executable 266KB 1995-02-27
pack AmigaOS Executable 3KB 1995-02-27
aliens.gfx Unknown 91KB 1995-02-27
galaga.gfx Unknown 44KB 1995-02-27
galaga.hiscore Unknown 3KB 1995-02-27
galaga.preferences Unknown 26b 1995-02-27
galaga.sfx Unknown 120KB 1995-02-27
galaga.sfx_small Unknown 5KB 1995-02-27