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File Comment
║ ···················≈■ ThE PURE ChR ME SkY StATiON ■≈··················· ║
| \/\/\/\ │ ÷ ThE BiGGESt ON-LiNE COllECTiON Of SOURCE FiLES ÷ | \/\/\/\/ ║
║ /\/\/\/ |   ÷ ANd ALL DEMO RElAtEd StUff iN St.PEtERSbURG ÷  │ /\/\/\/\ |
|    SYSOP: WindWalker              `∙   lOCATiON: St.Petersburg, RUSSiA  ║
║    PhONE: +7-(8lZ)-l57-ooZo         `∙   E-MAiL: 2:5030/280@fidonet     │
│ WOrKTiME: 01:00-08:00 MSK everyday    `∙     aka 2:5030/84.8@fidonet    |
| FrEQTiME: 01:00-05:30 MSK everyday      `∙                              ║
║    MOdEM: USR Sportster 14400 v.32b v.42b `∙ ·<·<·<·<·<·<·<·<·<·<·<·<·< │

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CIRBOOST.ASM Assembly Source File 240 8KB 1995-05-06
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 13 492b 1995-05-21
READ.ME Text File 22 570b 1995-05-06

Other Files (2)
CIR_0WS.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 143b 1994-09-09
CIRBOOST.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 601b 1995-05-06