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/ Worlds of Wonder / Worlds of Wonder Screensaver.iso / mac

Jump To: Archive (2)  |  Image (27)  |  Text (8)  |  Other (11)

Archives (2)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
Second Nature MacBinary 1 73KB 1996-03-05
Slide Show INIT MacBinary 1 72KB 1996-09-19

Images (27)

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CATALOG.TXT Text File 138 4KB 1996-10-07
COMPANY.INI INI File 4 84b 1996-10-07
COMPANY.TXT Text File 4 87b 1996-09-19
INSTALL.INF INI File 56 2KB 1997-02-11
INSTALL.TXT Text File 1 286b 1997-02-11
PROGRAM.INF INI File 165 7KB 1996-10-15
REMINDER.INI Windows Autorun File 66 2KB 1996-04-22
TITLE.INI INI File 41 1KB 1996-09-19

Other Files (11)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
Picture Puzzle MacOS Executable 1 76KB 1996-03-05
Slide Show MacOS Executable 1 369KB 1996-03-05
Uninstall MacOS Executable 1 67KB 1996-03-14
Install MacOS Executable 1 82KB 1996-12-05
INSTALL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2 43KB 1996-10-21
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
Desktop DB Unknown 2KB 1997-02-11
Desktop DF Unknown 2b 1997-02-11
GENERIC.REF Unknown 11KB 1997-02-11
SNSI.REF Unknown 9KB 1996-09-13
SNSIORDR.REF Unknown 18KB 1996-10-07
WORLD.REF Unknown 22KB 1997-02-11