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Jump To: Directory (4)  |  Audio (4)  |  Text (4)  |  Other (31)

Directories (4)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
levels4   screens7   scripts9

Audio & Music (4)
adlib.xmi Extended MIDI 7m9s 33KB 1992-11-20
beeper.xmi Extended MIDI 6m43s 10KB 1992-11-20
roland.xmi Extended MIDI 7m9s 34KB 1992-11-20
tandy.xmi Extended MIDI 6m44s 22KB 1992-11-20

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
boot.rkb Text File 13 175b 1992-11-20
install.set Text File 4 54b 1993-08-25
intro.asm Assembly Source File 285 4KB 1992-11-20
readme.txt Text File 165 5KB 1992-11-20

Other Files (31)
l2.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 17KB 1992-11-20
adlib.adv Miles Sound System Driver 15KB 1992-11-20
l2.pif Microsoft Windows Program Information File 545b 1992-11-20
mt32mpu.adv Miles Sound System Driver 11KB 1992-11-20
pcspkr.adv Miles Sound System Driver 8KB 1992-11-20
tandy.adv Miles Sound System Driver 9KB 1992-11-20
8x4x256.dat Unknown 3KB 1992-11-20
ail.rko Unknown 8KB 1992-11-20
autorun.rko Unknown 930b 1992-11-20
bobs256.rko Unknown 9KB 1992-11-20
chain.rko Unknown 7KB 1992-11-20
chklist.ms Unknown 27b 1994-12-29
debug.rko Unknown 37KB 1992-11-20
font.dat Unknown 4KB 1992-11-20
gal.rko Unknown 19KB 1992-11-20
icons.dat Unknown 30KB 1992-11-20
intern.dat Unknown 26KB 1992-11-20
l2.rko Unknown 26KB 1992-11-20
load.rko Unknown 3KB 1992-11-20
masks.dat Unknown 6KB 1992-11-20
masks.iff Unknown 6KB 1992-11-20
math.rko Unknown 3KB 1992-11-20
panel.dat Unknown 17KB 1992-11-20
pointer.dat Unknown 5KB 1992-11-20
process.rko Unknown 18KB 1992-11-20
sample.ad Unknown 3KB 1992-11-20
samples.rko Unknown 1KB 1992-11-20
text.rko Unknown 649b 1992-11-20
vga.rko Unknown 37KB 1992-11-20
vlemms.dat Unknown 322KB 1992-11-20
vstyle.dat Unknown 71KB 1992-11-20