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/ The Best of the Best / _.img / 02068

Jump To: Image (4)  |  Audio (11)  |  Text (3)  |  Other (10)

Images (4)

Audio & Music (11)
kadenz1.rol AdLib/Roland Song 3s 2KB 1991-11-12
kadenz2.rol AdLib/Roland Song 6s 2KB 1991-11-12
kadenz3.rol AdLib/Roland Song 6s 2KB 1991-11-12
kadenz4.rol AdLib/Roland Song 4s 2KB 1991-11-12
kadenz5.rol AdLib/Roland Song 3s 2KB 1991-11-12
kadenz6.rol AdLib/Roland Song 5s 2KB 1991-11-12
kadenz7.rol AdLib/Roland Song 6s 3KB 1991-11-12
kadenz8.rol AdLib/Roland Song 4s 2KB 1991-11-12
proline.rol AdLib/Roland Song 18s 4KB 1991-11-12
  witch.bnk AdLib Instrument Bank 1KB 1991-11-12
witch.rol AdLib/Roland Song 1m4s 7KB 1991-11-12

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
start.bat DOS Batch File 9 84b 1991-11-12
wball.txt Text File 342 13KB 1991-11-12
witch.doc Text File 14 541b 1991-11-12

Other Files (10)
bestell.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 29KB 1991-11-12
psalist.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 7KB 1991-11-12
sett.com MS-DOS COM Executable 211b 1991-11-12
unset.com MS-DOS COM Executable 10KB 1991-11-12
unzip.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 24KB 1991-12-01
wball.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 60KB 1991-11-12
adlib.com Unknown 13KB 1991-11-12
anzeige.mcg Unknown 18KB 1991-11-12
chklist.ms Unknown 189b 1994-05-10
sprites.mcg Unknown 47KB 1991-11-12