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/ The Best of the Best / _.img / 02102

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ems.txt Text File 23 1KB 1994-09-10
handbuch Text File 921 44KB 1994-09-10
install.ini Text File 22 350b 1994-09-10

Other Files (10)
install.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 47KB 1994-09-10
ubw.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 421KB 1994-09-10
auftrag.dtb Unknown 275b 1994-09-10
btree.blz Unknown 89KB 1994-09-10
button.img Unknown 20KB 1994-09-10
empfang.dtb Unknown 1KB 1994-09-10
formula.fpi Unknown 154KB 1994-09-10
install.fpi Unknown 152KB 1994-09-10
oauftrag.dtb Unknown 141b 1994-09-10
schrift.fnt Unknown 1KB 1994-09-10