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Jump To: Text (15)  |  Other (15)

Text (15)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
lexomat0.dbs Text File 1 19KB 1992-03-28
lexomatn.dbs Text File 43 58KB 1992-02-04
lexomato.dbs Text File 43 66KB 1992-02-04
lexomatp.dbs Text File 43 272KB 1992-02-04
lexomatq.dbs Text File 43 23KB 1992-02-15
lexomatr.dbs Text File 43 120KB 1992-02-04
lexomats.dbs Text File 43 209KB 1992-02-04
lexomatt.dbs Text File 43 137KB 1992-02-04
lexomatu.dbs Text File 43 32KB 1992-02-04
lexomatv.dbs Text File 43 57KB 1992-02-04
lexomatw.dbs Text File 43 18KB 1992-02-04
lexomatx.dbs Text File 43 14KB 1992-02-04
lexomaty.dbs Text File 43 12KB 1992-02-04
lexomatz.dbs Text File 43 40KB 1992-02-04
liesmich.bat DOS Batch File 311 25KB 1992-03-31

Other Files (15)
lexomat.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 114KB 1992-04-17
chklist.ms Unknown 27b 1994-05-10
lexomata.dbs Unknown 174KB 1992-02-04
lexomatb.dbs Unknown 92KB 1992-02-15
lexomatc.dbs Unknown 71KB 1992-02-23
lexomatd.dbs Unknown 120KB 1992-02-04
lexomate.dbs Unknown 95KB 1992-02-04
lexomatf.dbs Unknown 74KB 1992-02-04
lexomatg.dbs Unknown 79KB 1992-02-04
lexomath.dbs Unknown 81KB 1992-02-15
lexomati.dbs Unknown 106KB 1992-02-15
lexomatj.dbs Unknown 28KB 1992-02-15
lexomatk.dbs Unknown 207KB 1992-02-04
lexomatl.dbs Unknown 83KB 1992-02-04
lexomatm.dbs Unknown 143KB 1992-02-04