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Jump To: Text (17)  |  Other (14)

Text (17)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
adject.asc Text File 217 7KB 1988-01-17
alle.asc Text File 181 7KB 1988-10-10
anleitun.bat DOS Batch File 29 2KB 1989-02-12
anleitun.txt Text File 40 2KB 1994-01-03
besbild.asc Text File 264 8KB 1988-10-10
copyrigh.bat DOS Batch File 31 975b 1989-04-29
de_menge.asc Text File 135 7KB 1988-10-10
du.asc Text File 143 7KB 1988-10-10
fuchs.asc Text File 176 9KB 1988-10-10
gramm.bat DOS Batch File 4 22b 1988-09-28
hund.asc Text File 142 7KB 1988-10-10
loewe.asc Text File 127 6KB 1988-12-19
menu.asc Text File 28 1KB 1988-10-10
puma.asc Text File 129 6KB 1988-10-10
readme.doc Text File 25 1KB 1989-04-29
start.asc Text File 32 2KB 1988-10-10
start.bat DOS Batch File 4 23b 1988-01-01

Other Files (14)
keybgr.com MS-DOS COM Executable 3KB 1986-05-28
keybsg.com MS-DOS COM Executable 3KB 1986-03-21
start.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 62KB 1988-10-13
adject.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 7KB 1988-10-13
alle.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 10KB 1988-10-13
besbild.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 9KB 1988-10-13
de_menge.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 8KB 1988-10-13
du.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 7KB 1988-10-13
fuchs.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 9KB 1988-10-13
hund.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 7KB 1988-10-13
loewe.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 6KB 1988-12-19
menu.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 2KB 1988-10-13
puma.tbc Turbo Basic Chain module 6KB 1988-10-13
chklist.ms Unknown 81b 1994-05-10