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/ The Best of the Best / _.img / 02163

Jump To: Audio (1)  |  Text (5)  |  Other (16)

Audio & Music (1)
  instrum.bnk AdLib Instrument Bank 8KB 1989-11-30

Text (5)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
help.doc Text File 228 9KB 1990-10-16
manual.doc Text File 498 15KB 1991-03-03
manual.wps Text File 500 13KB 1990-12-12
readme.doc Text File 38 1KB 1990-12-13
start.bat DOS Batch File 4 30b 1990-12-12

Other Files (16)
info1.com MS-DOS COM Executable 9KB 1991-01-25
music.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 331KB 1990-11-06
sb-sound.com MS-DOS COM Executable 7KB 1990-10-05
brass.not Unknown 17KB 1990-02-06
christ.not Unknown 9KB 1990-03-12
hepo.not Unknown 13KB 1990-03-29
joulu.not Unknown 9KB 1990-03-12
kenvoi.not Unknown 10KB 1990-04-06
kenvoi2.not Unknown 11KB 1990-04-01
krish1.not Unknown 11KB 1990-02-06
krish2.not Unknown 9KB 1989-11-07
music Unknown 792b 1990-04-25
torvet.not Unknown 17KB 1990-03-19
tuuli.not Unknown 6KB 1989-11-30
tuuli3.not Unknown 6KB 1990-03-30
tuulise.not Unknown 5KB 1989-11-29