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/ The Best of Windows 95.com 1996 September / WIN95_09961.iso / terminal

Archives (9)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
htpe2.zip PKZip Archive 7 658KB 1996-09-11
mrterm.zip PKZip Archive 7 349KB 1996-09-27
nt32300.zip PKZip Archive 43 549KB 1996-09-27
qvtt32.zip PKZip Archive 10 1MB 1996-09-27
scrvt220.zip PKZip Archive 14 31KB 1996-09-11
sptn3209.zip PKZip Archive 4 123KB 1996-09-27
telnet32.zip PKZip Archive 17 1MB 1996-09-11
wzcomm.zip PKZip Archive 3 221KB 1996-09-11
xdemo32.zip PKZip Archive 9 2MB 1996-09-11

Audio & Music (2)
Seq-1 MIDI Music File 1m 12KB 1996-09-11
nitefunk.mid MIDI Music File 4m29s 48KB 1996-09-11

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILES.BBD Text File 60 4KB 1996-09-30
FILES.BBS File List 60 4KB 1996-09-30
terminal.html Hypertext Markup Language File 253 9KB 1996-09-30
terminal.txt Text File 97 4KB 1996-09-30

Other Files (3)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
ntcrt112.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 855KB 1996-09-11
tcp-demo-95.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3 1MB 1996-09-11
telftp32.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 246KB 1996-09-27