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File Comment
                        Thank you for calling HIS BOARD
                         The Fundamental Christian BBS
                                (805)  652-1478
                      "YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN"  (John 3:7)

Text (5)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ALLOCA.C C/C++ Source or Header 187 5KB 1989-12-22
DFA.C Text File 2,235 61KB 1989-12-22
LICENSE Text File 103 5KB 1989-12-22
README Text File 50 2KB 1989-12-22
REGEX.C C/C++ Source or Header 1,743 47KB 1989-12-22

Other Files (5)
CREGEX.LIB Microsoft Visual C Library 32KB 1989-12-22
HREGEX.LIB Microsoft Visual C Library 34KB 1989-12-22
LREGEX.LIB Microsoft Visual C Library 32KB 1989-12-22
MREGEX.LIB Microsoft Visual C Library 26KB 1989-12-22
SREGEX.LIB Microsoft Visual C Library 25KB 1989-12-22