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/ Carousel Volume 2 #1 / carousel.iso / mactosh / ed / dungeono.sit

Archives (3)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
Doom Update.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 12 25KB 1988-02-15
Dungeon of Doom.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 36 184KB 1988-10-30
Setup (README).rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 4 884b 1988-10-30

Document (1)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
Setup (README) MacWrite Document 2 4KB 1988-10-30

Other Files (3)
Dungeon of Doom Unknown 200b 1988-10-30
StartupScreen Unknown 22KB 1988-10-30
StartupScreen.rsrc Unknown 368b 1988-10-30