__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ | ` | _|· | | ` | _|· | | ` | _|· | | ` | _|· | | ` | _|· | | ` | _|· | |_,_|_|/_,_| |_,_|_|/_,_| |_,_|_|/_,_| |_,_|_|/_,_| |_,_|_|/_,_| |_,_|_|/_,_| ============================================================================= SAUCE `N' CODE ============================================================================= Some important notes you may like to know... When printing be prepared to see lots of mess were ascii logos are on screen as my printer doesn't seem to handle them very well :-( but your printer might ?? :-) Printers tested : Citizen 200 Colour 24 Pin Dot Matrix _______________ __ ___ (___________________ _ ____) _ _ _____ (___________________) As you may have noticed on the menu button bar - there's a large black gap! This will be filled soon with three buttons. Then again I might not get round to it. Sorry for not having the whole thing working and finished but I wanted to release the disk as soon as possible and the two buttons omitted weren't really important. _______________ __ ___ (___________________ _ ____) _ _ _____ (___________________) The source code on the disk is aimed at AMOS Professional users although quite a bit of the source will be compatable with AMOS Classic. You will be very lucky if any of the source will work fine in Easy AMOS but then again you shouldn't be using Easy AMOS if you are getting this disk! The source code is saved in one of the following two ways:- (1) Plain ascii file. This has been done so that you can examine the source code from the menu index before loading it. To actually load the source into AMOS you simple select `Merge Ascii' from the project menu in AMOS Professional. Or click on the merge ascii button in AMOS classic. (2) Standard AMOS source code files. These files will contain data banks with graphics/music etc in them. I find this is the easiest way to move the AMOS files around as you don't have to worry about stray data files. Some of the source files may only be accessed through AMOS Professional but you should have this program anyway! To load simply select `Load' from the project menu. All source code is released to the public domain for use by anyone. It would be VERY nice if you mention the original coder if you use any of the source code in your own programs. _______________ __ ___ (___________________ _ ____) _ _ _____ (___________________) If you need to contact me, the compiler/coder, for any reason I can be reached via snal mail only :-( at this address... ßudda/NFA "Bradda" Crowborough Road Georgeham North Devon EX33 1JZ _______________ __ ___ (___________________ _ ____) _ _ _____ (___________________) Future release of this disk will not be at set times. When I have enough new/good source code then I'll compile it together and distribute the disk. Keep your eyes on the NFA boards as this is the first place it will appear. The NFA boards are... _____ __ _____ __ __ ______ _____ ______[ß] -ThE-/. \--/. \-/. \-----/. \/. \-/. \-/. \--/. \-- ....// / _/.// /// / /....// // /_\\_/ /// / _/.// / /.. :::/ \:/ // /__/::::/ __ // // \:/ / /::: / / // // / /¯ / / // / // / // / / --\______/-\__/-\______/----\__/\__/-\______/-\__/\__/-\______/-ONE- THe BiG HaRD oNe (NFA WHQ) · (+44) 01162 66 16 10 DoWN aND ouT (NFA EHQ) · (+44) 01925 23 49 81