__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ | ` | _|· | | ` | _|· | | ` | _|· | | ` | _|· | | ` | _|· | | ` | _|· | |_,_|_|/_,_| |_,_|_|/_,_| |_,_|_|/_,_| |_,_|_|/_,_| |_,_|_|/_,_| |_,_|_|/_,_| =============================================================================== THE SECRETS OF AMOS PRO's HELP ACCESSORY! =============================================================================== dISCoVERED bY ßudda/NFA Whilst putting the finishing touches to my latest AMOS creations I stumbled across some amazingly clever secret messages which are built into the AMOS Professional system Help accessory. I usually use the Help option to check up on syntax of certain commands which I don't use regularly. The amazing thing first happened a few weeks ago and I couldn't understand were it came from. When I pressed the HELP key during editing one of my programs a message appeared saying: "The worlds best programmer!" It confused me! I quit out of the Help accessory and then reloaded it - and the message had gone!! I wondered how I had activated it but couldn't think of anything so forgot about it. Then yesterday the messages returned. This time there was more and all different! The new message read "Queens Park Rangers". What was it to mean? At first I thought the messages were activated when your text cursor is in a certain position along a certain line. And this seemed to work in a single piece of source code. But when I tried it in another program I'd written the message wouldn't appear. Then earlier today (28/06/1995) I found some more messages. The first was a long one and read: "The young TV star has this to say about his football team: Queens Park Rangers are a super team! They'll never win anything though..." What was the obsession with Q.P.R then? However this message didn't come up at ceratin positions in the editor window. It just kept popping up all over the place. Then another message appeared saying "The only man to burn a hole in a QWERTY keyboard.". These messages are strange! However I think I've found how to get the last message up all the time. It was to do with the commands on the line the cursor was on. It also depended in what position the text cursor was in. I entered this on a new blank line: Add ME UP Then I put the cursor between the ADD and the ME so it was in the space! I then pressed the HELP key and it popped up; a message about QWERTY keyboards!!! Now I can't remember what I was doing when I got the other messages up so I can't tell you how too. I wrote this article so ask any other AMOS Pro users if they've found ANY other messages in the Help system; or am I the only one? Please write in and reveal any other findings linked with the Help accessory. Send your findings in and I'll let every body know and give you the credit. Scibble down how you think you managed to get the message to be shown and also what the message is to this address:- Sauce `N' Code, "Bradda", Crowborough Road, Georegahm, North Devon. EX33 1JZ