$Unique_ID{BRK00448} $Pretitle{} $Title{Educating Youngsters About Reproduction and Sex} $Subject{sex education child care Community Social lifestyle lifestyles curiosity emotional sexual development behavior behaviors sexuality} $Volume{Q-23,S-23} $Log{} Copyright (c) 1991-92,1993 Tribune Media Services, Inc. Educating Youngsters About Reproduction and Sex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION: I break out into a cold sweat every time my 4 year old son starts wondering where babies come from. I have doubts that I know enough about educating youngsters of his age about reproduction and sex, yet feel there must be an answer both to his question and my problem. I wish you could take over for me. What do I do? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANSWER: If the answer that you are not alone can help you to relax, then be assured, there are many other parents in this same boat. The hardest part is overcoming your own doubts of inadequacy; but fear not, you can manage quite well if you stay calm and follow a few important tips. Stay cool, stay accessible to your youngster, and stay simple. Don't panic when such questions arise, but listen carefully. You may be making more out of the question than Junior is intending. When your reaction shows that you don't find such discussions difficult, you remain the first person to ask for such information, an important position you don't ever want to abandon. Once the intent of the question is understood, answer as fully but as simply as possible. Don't launch into that complete lecture you have been rehearsing against this moment, as it is just not necessary. There will be time enough for that in the future, if you don't lose the thread of curiosity that promotes the questioning at this time. You are just at the beginning now, with plenty of time to read up on the advice from the experts, and become prepared to continue such conversations throughout the emotional, social and yes, sexual development of your offspring. You have the responsibility to guide your child through the trials of growing up and teach the ethical principles that motivate your own life. ---------------- The material contained here is "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and should not replace the counsel and advice of your personal physician. Promptly consulting your doctor is the best path to a quick and successful resolution of any medical problem.