********************************************************* * Update report from ASM-One V1.01 to V1.02 * ********************************************************* Editor: ======= - The status line has been extended, so that * means, "Source Not Saved" and M means "Macro is being defined". - When loading a new file, "Source not saved" appears before you enter a new filename. - Replace had problems when replacing successive strings, it skipped every second string. Assembler: ========== - If an error occured while assembling a section allocated in chip or fast (not public) with autoalloc turned on, the allocated memory was forgotten. - DS - Define Storage. The defined storage is now initialized to zeroes, instead of just uninitialized. - INCLUDE and INCBIN path and filename are printed when the file is being loaded. - The following command syntax was not supported: ROL Dn, ASR Dn etc. Previously you had to type ex. ROL #1,D3, instead of just ROL D3. - Overall assembler performance has been improved. - Including a source in an program using ORG and LOAD forced the assembler back in relative mode, jumping to the latest used section. - When the message 'Reassembling...' was showed, assembler options was reset to default. - Word size is now always default, also in (An,Xn) <=> (An,Xn.W) - INCBINs are now only loaded in the last pass, when using assemble optimize. Disassembler: ============= - CMPA Dn,Am was disassembled CMPA Dn,Dm - ABCD and SBCD was disassembled wrong - Unknown command ??????? is now disassembled as DC.W $nnnn, where nnnn is the unknown opcode. - A few other commands was also disassembled a little wrong Debugger: ========= - Turning LineNumbers on and off did not take action immidiatly but first next another function was activated. - Editing A7 changed always SSP and not USP if in user mode. Preferences: ============ - Using option "!" (eg !.ASM) in the ASM_One.pref file, didn't change the fact that an .S was attached at the end of the file when using the ".S" option.