Apache is now the most popular web server in the world. The June WWW server site survey by Netcraft found that more web servers were using Apache than any other software. Apache is run on 35% of all web servers in the world.
The Apache project has been organized in an attempt to answer some of the concerns regarding active development of a public domain HTTP server for UNIX. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible server which provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards.
Apache 1.0.5 is the second of two maintenance releases which address the security issues raised by CIAC Bulletins. Inadvertently a 1.0.4 was released for a few hours on the web site here without one of the two fixes, so a 1.0.5 had to be released to fully cover the holes.
Apache 1.1b4 is the fourth public beta release of Apache 1.1 which includes the security fixes as well as many new features and bug fixes.
If you are looking for a stable reliable server use Apache 1.0.5. If you would like to try the new features use 1.1b4 and let us know about any bugs.
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