PCx is an all new 80x86 emulation. (Pentium and 686 instruction set, including Intel undocumented P5 instructions).
The software is not yet complete and we will release further news closer to it's completion. What follows is aimed at giving the user an idea of the product.
A DEMO disk will be available at release, to allow everyone to Try before you buy!
The speed is roughly 3 times faster than v2.3 of EMPLANT's e586DX emulation in protected mode (like Windows, DOOM, etc.) It is about 50% faster in DOS mode. This speed increase is without the CPU transcription, which has finally been debugged. I use the words 'roughly' and 'about' because it has NOT been completely finished yet. Things could get slightly faster (hopefully) or slightly slower. I don't anticipate any significant speed changes, and again, a demo version will show you exactly what the speed will be like (without CPU Transcription or Turbo Mode).
The demo version limits you to 8 megs of hard drive space, no ability to write to floppys, no Sound Blaster(tm) support, no CPU Trancscription, no CPU Turbo mode, and a few other limitations. Yes, we do have standard Sound Blaster(tm) support, which is mono only (v1.0/1.5 Sound Blaster). We can probably make it stereo, but no promises or bogus release dates for this support.
We also have video board drivers. These drivers can use the Amiga's system drawing routines, or direct access to the video board's memory.
Here are SOME of the features that we are planning for the full release version:
PCx comes complete with a licensed copy of American Megatrend's 'AMIBIOS'. If you are an owner of EMPLANT's e586DX emulation module, you can send in your original e586DX disk and get this upgrade for 1/2 the normal retail price.
This information will be updated as we get closer to actually releasing the product.
Price : � 49.95 UKP
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