Amiga Xenon Tower Specifications

Amiga      Bays         Quantity

A4000       5.25"          6 
A4000       5.25" F        6 
A4000       3.5"           5 
A4000       3.5"  F        2 

F = Denotes bays accessible from the front panel Dimensions (mm) = 660 x 190 x 430 Weight = 13-13.5 Kg Towers can house 230W, 250W or 300W Power supplies, sold seperately. 8 Expansion Slots are available from the back. Shuttles for other Amiga's will be available soon.

Tower Prices : �179.95 UKP

PSU 230W : � 59.95 UKP

PSU 250W : � 74.95 UKP

PSU 300W : � 89.95 UKP

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