World Construction Set is a 3-D terrain modelling and animation program that offers unlimited flexibility and control. WCS provides a wealth of solutions, whether you are creating for video, print media, commercial or scientific applications, or just for fun.
WCS offers key-framed animation, colour-mapping, unlimited scene size, detailed ecosystem control, interactive GUI and many other features. WCS's friendly design makes it easy to create scenes with just the view you want. You can work in multiple windows to lay out motion paths, adjust colours and modify ecosystems all at the same time. Camera View shows a wire frame rendering of the scene of any animation frame. Solid shaded, ecosystem, diagnostic and animation previews can also be generated. Camera position and over 20 other attributes can be set interactively. Haze, horizon, view arc, vertical exaggeration and sun position are just a few of them.
WCS requires OS 2.04 or greater, 4 Mb RAM (8 Mb recommended). Both 68030 and 040 optimised versions are supplied.
Price : �119.95 UKP
More detailed information can be found on the Questar Home page
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