Unknown QuickMail recipient(s) The message could not be delivered to Your message has encountered delivery problems The user(s) account is disabled: This is a permanent error Your message was not delivered to This is probably due to an addressing error unable to deliver mail to the following The address to which the message has not yet been delivered is Unable to deliver message to the following Attempting to deliver following mail to has not yet been delivered to the following recipients User not listed in public Name & Address Book error message Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients the following message could not be sent to The following addresses have delivery notifications Message not delivered to the following addresses Ambiguous user the addresses and re-mail the message Please make sure you have the correct address The following addresses had delivery problems The following addresses had permanent fatal errors Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients The user(s) account is temporarily over quota The following recipients did not receive your message The following recipients did not receive this message following address(es) failed the addresses and re-mail the message A message with bad language was blocked responses from the mail transport system: to deliver mail to the following recipient: