Using AutoShare with NewsRunner imageNewsRunner

NewsRunner is an automatic newsreader developed by Hi-Resolution. It sits in the background, periodically checking for new articles on your news server. Any new messages are either mailed to a specified address or saved to a plain text file in a nominated folder.

This last feature allows you to save news articles directly into AutoShare's Filed Mail folder, where they are processed just like a normal mailing list contribution. So you can make a newsgroup available in the form of an internet mailing list, with the added advantage of digests and automated web archives.

These simple instructions should help you to get up and running with the minimum of fuss.

Setting up AutoShare/EIMS

Create a new mailing list. I suggest you use the newsgroup name (For example, if you are subscribing to the news group 'alt.bored' you should create an AutoShare mailing list called 'alt.bored').

Make this an announcement list with Reply-To: sender. This will allow you to reply to the original poster of a message by email. I suggest that you use an announcement list to prevent people accidentally posting email responses to the list itself, which will not be reflected in the newsgroup.

Setting up NewsRunner

Double click the NewsRunner icon to launch NewsRunner. The first time you run NewsRunner you'll be asked to enter the name of your news server. If you have Internet Config installed, you'll be offered any existing Internet Config setting as a default.

Subscribing to a Group

When you select the Subscribe command from the News menu you are presented with the News Group dialog.

News Group dialog

Configure these settings as follows:

Group Name

This is the name of the group you wish to subscribe to.

Mail To

Uncheck this option (it won't be needed).


Check this option. Any articles received by NewsRunner will be saved to disk.

Write HTML

Uncheck this option. Articles will be saved as plain text files.


This allows you to specify where the files will be saved. Click on the button and select AutoShare's Filed Mail folder.

Envelope sender

Enter your AutoShare Listmaster address here.

Note: If you used a list-specific Listmaster address in AutoShare, make sure that the address you enter here corresponds to the Listmaster address for your mailing list.

Envelope recipient

Enter the full posting address of your AutoShare mailing list here, <listname@domain>.

That's it! You're done ;-)

Created by James Berriman on 13-MAR-1997