The AutoShare Flow
AutoShare, a freeware EIMS companion application.
A list server and auto-responder for the Macintosh.
This document is copyright © 1997 Mikael Hansen.
The following is a simplified description of the general processing flow of AutoShare.
Making the description public was inspired by a spur-of-the-moment desire
to illustrate
what happens in the specific event of a remote administration by e-mail
message including a non-valid password: as no dedicated account is required
for remote administration by e-mail, the message will then proceed to be
processed as a more regular message, which is
why the use of autoshare@ is recommended as list server requests are returned
to the sender only.
- starting up
- reads the preferences
- initializes the scripting environment
- updates the list-specific settings
- re-sorts main list files, if necessary
- main processing loop
- checks for out of memory and low on disk space
- acts upon a high-level event, if any queued
- checks keep applications up
- checks processing mode
- sends monthly help file, if time to do so
- sends out logs, if time to do so
- sends out digests and tip of the day posts, if time to do so
- bounces, sends test messages and reads new message
- mail-back confirmation, both old and new messages
- validates Filed Mail folder
- validates Incoming Mail folder
- checks for mail sent to protected address
- checks for pairs of UUCP files
- web forms, creates standard message files
- remote administration by e-mail
- exits loop, if no files in Filed Mail folder
- checks if incoming message is tip of the day post
- opens the first file and analyzes it
- body multi-command loop
- launches process extenders at various entry points
- list contribution, list server request or auto-response
- checks for general and specific filters
- updates digests, archives plus .m and .d files, if list contribution
- checks for list server and poll addresses, if auto-response
- creates file in the Incoming mail folder
- shutting down
- cleans up the temporary destination folder
Last updated on September 8 1997 by Mikael Hansen