There wasn't much memory on the SE/30, so it seemed only right that I'd be looking for a list server requiring little memory, even when the situation may call for many lists. Support for the small built-in monitor was a must, as was the price (it had to be free). One day I'd upgrade, so a PowerPC version would be nice. The auto-response module just had to be a part of the software, and as I wasn't sitting by the server all day, both scripting and remote administration by e-mail would definitely be a major plus as would the robustness of the server software. The only software appeared to be (bigger surprise!) AutoShare.
So far, so good. I knew what I wanted, and it appeared to be available. My browsing on the net had paid off, and I wasn't lost yet. I downloaded AutoShare and opened the top-level folder. A SimpleText document located to the left was entitled Read Me First. Sure, why the heck not? "Please fetch your favorite web browser and drag the Read-Me-First.html document onto the browser's icon.", it said. "Cool!", I said. And took the dive into what appeared to be the first of many HTML documents in the AutoShare documentation.
A quick double-click, and the grand Overview of the AutoShare documents was in front of me. Not bad, not bad! The 1.0 Documentation, the 1.3 Addendum, blah, blah... Okay, here we go: the AutoShare Samples, which illustrate a simple configuration. That would seem right for a fellow with an empty stomach and the next meal about an hour away. Click!