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A Letter to the Amiga Community from Amiga Head of Marketing, Bill McEwen

I would like to take a moment and thank those of you who brought to my attention the Sacramento Bee article that was recently printed. I have answered you directly, and for those of you who were able to attend the AmiWest show in Sacramento you know that the quotes are not our plan.

We are not only targeting greatness, but we are moving towards greatness.

I mentioned at the Sacramento show that I would make the presentation of slides available to ALL of the Amiga community from our web site, and we are in process of achieving this task.

I am concerned, however, that the information in these slides could be misused and abused. I am asking that the Amiga community use this information for internal purposes only. We consider each and every one of you a member of the Amiga team, and are hopeful that you will honor the request to keep this communication within the Amiga Community.

We will have an area where those of you interested will need to "sign" for a copy of the presentation before you can access the presentation. This is a way for us to know who has a copy, and know that they are not going to misuse the information.

(The sign-up period is now over.)

I thank each of you for your continued support, and look forward to delivering the promise.

If you should have any questions then please do not hesitate in contacting me directly at

Thank you,

Bill McEwen

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