Amiga OS 3.5 Features

RTG (ReTargetable Graphics) card support

Native support for Amiga graphics cards through an advanced, centralized system requester. This even includes support for newer cards such as the ATEO graphics card for A1200s.

RTA (ReTargetable Audio) card support

To really enhance your games' music and sound effects, retargetable audio allows your system to grow, adopting more advanced sound hardware, without breaking compatibility with AHI.

Internet Enabled

Get an account with your Internet Service Provider, connect to the Internet via your modem, and see what the world is talking about--web pages, email, ftp. Join the Amiga online community and make a real difference.

Enhanced Printing

A richer feature set, more drivers, and modern printer support.

Enhanced File System

You'll no longer have to buy your hard drives in a museum. OS3.5 provides support for large hard drives greater than 4 GB.

CD File System

OS3.5 supports the shiny disc. More graphics, intense sounds, more of everything. You can also listen to audio CDs as you work. Cool!

Arexx Update

Powerful enhancements to our core scripting and communication language.

New Shell Features and Extended Commands

Your Amiga shell will be a more productive place, thanks to added features and new AmigaDOS commands.

Improved Interface

A better-looking Workbench for greater productivity, with a new layout engine, GUI system, icons and more.

PowerPC Co-processor Support

Support for applications which use PowerPC co-processor cards.

User Documentation

Completely rewritten user documentation delivered in HTML format for convenience. a myriad of other enhancements and features.

As a special gift to Amiga users, each OS 3.5 package will ship with a collectable History of Amiga - Past, Present, and Future booklet.

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