Cross Dos 7
  Cross Dos 7


Floppy Disk

Any Amiga, KS 2.0+, WB 2.0+.


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CrossDos is a software product that allows the user to read and write MS-Dos formatted disks, directly from the Amiga. CrossDos integrates into the Amiga operating system, allowing access from virtually any Amiga utility or application, including file requesters.

You can perform most AmigaDOS functions, for example:

Read and Write files
Create directories
Set file or directory dates and protection bits
Relable the disk name
Rename files and directories

Supported drives are as follows:

3.5" 720k floppy disks
2.5" 1.44M floppy disks
5.1/4 360k floppy disks
5.1/4 720k floppy disks
Hard drives
Zip drives
Jaz drives
SyQuest and

Other features include an ASCII text filter option, translation tables that handle international text character sets, automatically senses disk changes, floppy disks parameters are sensed automaticaly, various disk utilities, MS-DOS hard disk configuration software and many other improvements over the original CrossDOS.

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