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slrn - An easy to use NNTP based newsreader.  


This documentation is out of date. You are encouraged to look at slrn/changes.txt and slrn/doc/slrn.rc in the slrn distribution for more up to date information. See also for additional documentation.  


slrn [ -n ] [ -h nntp-server-name ] [ -f newsrc-file ] [ -create ] [ -C ] [ -help ]  


slrn is an easy to use but powerful NNTP based newsreader. It relies extensively on the S-Lang programmer's library for many of its features.

If no server is specified on the command line using the -h option, the server specified by the NNTPSERVER environment variable will be used. The -f option specifies which newsrc file should be used. If none is specified, a default value of .jnewsrc will be used. This value can be set on a server by server basis using the .slrnrc initialization file.

The -create option should be used the first time slrn is used for a particular server. This causes slrn to read the entire list of groups available at the server and place them in the selected newsrc file. If the NNTP connection is slow, this process may take several minutes. Fortunately, this happens only when the -create flag is used.

If -C is specified on the command line, the terminal is assumed to support colors. Colors may be specified by using the initialization file. If the -n option is present, no new newsgroups will be checked for. This may result in a faster startup.



Using slrn is simple. For many, simply typing slrn will connect to a news server. After starting, slrn checks for the existence of new newsgroups and automatically subscribes to them. Then after new news is checked, slrn goes into ``full screen'' mode at which point the user can unsubscribe to one or more groups. slrn will display a list of newsgroups that looks like:

->  3      sci.research.postdoc                 689-705
    1      comp.databases.olap                  1-1
    4             1-4
    1        339-349
  113      comp.unix.questions                  74401-74513
   11      gnu.ghostscript.bug                  4874-4884
  100                 7941-8040
   11          239-249
    3              267-269
   13      sci.physics.electromag               1159-1171
   65     4754-4818
    5      sci.physics.particle                 1069-1073
    2      comp.sources.x                       2362-2363
    2      comp.unix.user-friendly              2603-2604

Here the middle column shows the name of a newsgroup and the left column shows the number of unread articles in the group. The right column shows the range of articles present on the server. Note the presence of the -> in the first column on the `sci.research.postdoc' line. This symbol is used by slrn as a pointer to indicate the currently selected line. It may be moved up and down by using the arrow keys. Pressing the RETURN key or the SPACEBAR at this point will select the `sci.research.postdoc' group. A new screen will appear showing something like:

->-   703   (P) Lecturer in Comp. (dumo
  -   704   Research & Developnment (dumo
  -   705   Re: Example of proposal      shinbrot@bart.chem-eng.nwu.e

Here, each line consists of four fields and possibly the -> cursor. The first field indicates whether the article has been read or not. A hyphen ( - ) in the first field indicates that the article has not been read. Since a hyphen appears in the first field in all three of the lines above, none of the articles have been marked as read. A d in this field indicates that an article has been read. The currently selected article can be changed from the read to the unread state by pressing the u key. The d key may be used to mark the article as read without actually reading it. The c key may be used to mark all the articles as read (Actually this is the preferred way to use the newsreader: scan the articles by eye looking for something interesting then before moving on to next newsgroup, press `c' to mark all articles as read).

The second field displays the server number of the article. The third and fourth fields contain the subject and author of the article, respectively.

Pressing the SPACEBAR or the RETURN key will create a second window and display the contents of the currently selected article. The screen will now consist of two windows - a large one and a small one. The large window, known as the article window, will contain the currently selected article and the small one, known as the summary window, will contain the list of articles as shown above. The space bar may be used the scroll the article forward and the DELETE key or the `B' key may be used to scroll it backward. The UP/DOWN arrow keys simply move the -> cursor from one line to another in the summary window. To hide the article window, press the h key.This will zoom the summary window to full screen.

The f key may be used to post a followup to the currently selected article. To return to the list of Newsgroups, press the Q key to leave this mode.  


These keybindings are always available: These keybindings are always available:
PageUp Ctrl-U
Page up
PageDn Ctrl-D
Page down
Suspend program

These keybindings may be used at the newsgroup level:

Select articles for the current group.
Move to the previous group
Move to the next group
Quit the program
Post an article
Toggle the display of groups with no unread articles on and off
Toggle display of unsubscribed groups (can also subscribe with this)
Unsubscribe from the current group
Subscribe to the current group
Mark all articles in the current group as read.
Subscribe to a specified group
Search for a subscribed group
Refresh groups from news server
Save .newsrc
Move to last group
Move to first group

The following bindings are valid once a newsgroup has been selected:

Select or scroll currently selected article forward
Scroll currently selected article backward
Mark currently selected article as read and move to the next unread article.
Mark the currently selected article as unread
Numerically tag the article for multiple save (see o command)
Skip to next digest
Hide the article window by zooming the summary window to full screen
Decrease the size of the header window by one line.
Increase the size of the header window by one line.
Post follow-up to the currently selected article
Forward the currently selected article to someone
Reply directly to the author of the currently selected article
Save the currently selected article or thread to a file in a Unix mail format by appending it to the the specified file, then optionally decode the articles with uudecode or unshar. If numerically tagged articles (see # ) are present, then optionally save and then decode the tagged articles. The built-in uudecoder can decode files that contain multiple multi-part uuencoded articles. However, they must be tagged in the proper order. The key ESC # may be used to un-tag articles.
Quit and go back to the list of newsgroups
Toggle quote display
Toggle scoring
Skip over quotes in article
Toggle the current articles headers between hidden and un-hidden states. By default, uninteresting ones are hidden
Move to the previous article
Move to the next article
Scroll the article down one line
Jump to the beginning of the article
Scroll the article up one line
Move to last article
Move to first article
Pan the article window to the right
Pan the article window to the left
Move to the next unread article
Append article to a file; optionally, decode with uudecode or shar
Move to a previously unread article
PageUp, PageDn
Page up and down through the header list.
Search forward in the article
Search backward through article.
Author search forward.
Author search backward.
Subject search forward.
Subject search backward
Hide the article (make its window disappear)
Skip to next news group
Move to an article
Post an article (also see f to post a follow-up article)
Set a mark at the current article.
Return to a previously set mark setting the mark first.
Flag the article as 'important' (prevents catchup in header window from marking the article deleted)
Pipe article to an external command
ESC Ctrl-C
Cancel the current article.
ESC Ctrl-S
Supersede the current article, editing the original text.
Mark all articles as read
Mark articles to here as read
Mark articles to here as UN-read
Ctrl-R, Ctrl-L
Redraw the screen.
Toggle ROT 13 decryption on and off
Toggle header threading on and off
Toggle collapse of header threading
Switch between header display methods
Find parent header
ESC Ctrl-P
Find child header
Show help
Suspend the newsreader.
Edit score parameters using this article as template


slrn uses the following list of environment variables:
NNTP Server to connect to if none specified when slrn is started.
Editor to use when composing messages. The '%s' and `%d' format descriptors may be used to specify the filename and line number respectively. For example, if `jed' is your editor, then you can use something like: setenv SLANG_EDITOR 'jed %s -g %d' in your shell startup file. If you are using a bash shell, you could instead use the command: export SLANG_EDITOR='jed %s -g %d' in your shell startup file. SLANG_EDITOR is the prefered environment variable since all S-Lang applications that use an editor look for this variable and understand this syntax.
Address to be inserted into the `Reply-To' field.
String to be used in the `Organization' field.


If a file called .slrnrc is present in the users HOME directory, slrn will use it as an initialization file. This file can contain list of personalized keybindings as well as a list of server -- newsrc mappings.


To bind a key to a particular function use the syntax:

setkey keymap function key-sequence

The setkey function requires three arguments.The first argument specifies the keymap to be used for the bindings. Valid keymaps are: group and article. The function argument spacifies the function that is executed when keys in the last argument are pressed. For example,

                       setkey  group  quit "x"

indicates that if x is pressed at the group level, the quit function will be executed. Note that although not normally necessary, the last argument should be enclosed in double quotes since it may contain SPACE characters.

The key-sequence argument can consist of several characters. For example, on many terminals, the RIGHT arrow sends the three characters ESC, `[' and `C' to the terminal. To bind the RIGHT key to `select_group' function, use:

                        setkey group select_group "\e[C"

Sometimes, it is necessary to unbind a key from a keymap before binding the key. For example, one cannot do:

                        setkey group quit "\e"

to bind the ESC key to the quit function without first unsetting it. This is because the default bindings use the ESC character as the prefix character for certain keymaps. To achieve this goal, use the unsetkey function:

                         unsetkey group "\e"
                         setkey group quit "\e"

Here the unsetkey function has been used to remove the binding for the ESC character before binding it to the `quit' function. Please note that unsetting the ESC key will also unset any key sequence been with the ESC key. This includes most function keys.

See the example initialization file below for the list of functions and their meaning.


The easiest way to use multiple servers is through the use of the server command in the .slrnrc file. This command simple associates a server name with a newsrc file:

server nntp-server newsrc-file

For example, suppose that you use three servers with hostnames `', `', and `'. The the lines:

server .jnewsrc-red

server .jnewsrc-blue

server .jnewsrc-green

specify that the file .jnewsrc-red is to be used when the server is connected to, etc...


Color support is enabled when suing the `-C' command line switch. The colors may be defined through the use of the `color' keyword in the `.slrnrc' file. The syntax is:

  Here, OBJECT-NAME can be any one of the following items:

    menu           --  Line at the top of the display (menu bar)
    menu_press     --  Menu bar entry when activated
    status         --  Status line attached to windows
    cursor         --  The --> position indicator
    error          --  Error messages
    group          --  Newsgroup names (group mode)
    description    --  Newsgroup descriptions (group mode)
    article        --  The body of the article (not headers)
    headers        --  The lines that constitute the headers of the article
    author         --  Author's name
    subject        --  Subject
    signature      --  Author's signature
    quotes         --  Quoted material
    high_score     --  Articles with high scores
    tree           --  Article tree
    tilde          --  Tildes (tilde mode)
    thread_number  --  Thread numbers
    normal         --  anything not included above

  The foreground/background color names can be any of the following:

    black                gray
    red                  brightred
    green                brightgreen
    brown                yellow
    blue                 brightblue
    magenta              brightmagenta
    cyan                 brightcyan
    lightgray            white

  Most terminals do not support the second group of colors for the background.


  Often articles contain quotes of previous articles.   slrn is capable of not displaying lines in an article that match a given regular expression. The regular expression may be specified by putting a line of the form

     ignore_quotes  REGULAR-EXPRESSION
      in the .slrnrc startup file. The default regular expression is

     "^ ?[:>=]"
      which matches any line that begins with or without a space followed by either a colon, greater than sign, or an equal sign.

To toggle the display of such lines on or off, press the `T' key when in article mode.



(For a complete description of the flexibility in the slrn scorefile system, see the files KILL_FAQ and score.txt in the slrn distribution)

slrn incorporates a sophisticated system for scoring articles. In other newsreaders, one of slrn's scoring features would be called a " killfile ". But unlike some other newsreaders, slrn provides for a great degree of flexibility and the capability to mark articles in ways other than merely killing them.

Four levels of scoring are provided:

The scored article is deleted (as with a common killfile) and will not appear in the header window
-1 through -9998
The scored article appears with a " D " as in "Deleted" flag in the header window
0 normal article
1 through 9999
The scored article's header appears with a " ! " flag to indicate importance


The scorefile system is disabled until you set scorefile to the pathname of the file slrn should use to hold the scoring parameters.

Once set, scorefile may be accessed through the E command at the header window, or may be edited manually. When accessed with E , slrn appends a template based upon the currently selected article to the scorefile with various parameters taken from the article and you are placed in your editor. To enable scoring, delete the % comment symbol from the first column of the header line(s) you wish to score upon.

The other way to configure your scorefile is by editing the file directly, with a text editor. Here is a sample scorefile (remember the KILL_FAQ and score.txt files are the definitive references for the score system):

     Score: 9999
     % All slrn articles are good
     Subject: slrn

     Score: 9999
     % This is someone I want to hear from

     Score = -9999
     Subject: <f?agent>

     Score: -10
     Expires: 1/1/1996
     Subject: swap

     Score: 20
     Subject: SunOS

     Score: 50
     From: Linus

     % Kill all articles cross posted to an advocacy group
     Score: -9999
     Xref: advocacy
     ~From: Linus

     % This person I want nothing to do with unless he posts about
     % `gizmos' but only in comp.os.linux.development.*

     Score: -9999
     From: someone@who.knows.where
     ~Subject: gizmo
     ~Newsgroup: development
     % These stooges post massive .sigs all the time.  I like
     % to track them

     Score:: 20
     Subject: larry
     Subject: curly

This file consists of two sections. The first section defines a set of tests applied to the newsgroups. The second section applies to the comp.os.linux newsgroups.

The first section consists of three tests. The first test applies a score of 9999 to any subject that contains the string `slrn'. The second test applies to the `From'. It says that any article from gets scores 9999. The third test gives a score of -9999 to any article whose subject contains the word `agent'. Since tests are applied in order, if an article contains both `slrn' and `agent', it will be given a score of 9999 since 9999 is a special score value.

The second section is more complex. It applies to the newsgroups comp.os.linux newsgroups and consists of 5 tests. The first three are simple: -10 points are given if the subject contains `swap', 20 if it contains SunOS, and 50 if the article is from someone named `Linus'. This means that if Bill@Somewhere writes an article whose subject is `Swap, Swap, Swap', the article is give -10 points. However, if the Linus writes an article with the same title, it is given -10 + 50 = 40 points. Note that the first test expires at the beginning of 1996.

The fourth test kills all articles that were cross posted to an advocay newsgroup UNLESS they were posted by Linus. Note that if a keyword begins with the `~' character, the effect of the regular expression is reversed.

The fourth test serves to filter out posts from someone@who.knows.where unless he posts about `gizmos' in one of the comp.os.development newsgroups. Again note the `~' character.

The last test marks as important messages from mentioning Moe or Curly in the newsgroup. This demonstrates use of an "OR" condition in a scorefile.



If you elect to send a courtesy copy of your followup article to the original poster, you may easily do so by adding a "Cc:" header to the article. Here is an example of how to send a courtesy copy of a followup to John Davis' (slrn's author) announcement of a new slrn version:

 Subject: Re: slrn 0.8.0 Released!
 References: <46c6b8$>
 Organization: a clean well lit place

 On 22 Oct 1995 01:26:45 GMT, John Davis <> wrote:

John will receive a copy of the followup by email with the article text preceded by a line of text stating that [This message has also been posted.] (The text within the brackets may be customized with the .slrnrc cc_followup_string parameter.)


The .slrnrc initialization file also supports the following commands:

   signature             <signature file name>
   organization          <Your organization name>
   replyto               <Email address to be used reply to>
   quote_string          <string to be used to quote an article>
   editor_command        <string used to invoke editor>   
   scorefile             <score file name>

For example, 

   signature         .news-signature
   organization      "Society of Famous Outlaws"
   signature         "Billy the Kid"
   quote_string      ">"
   editor_command    "jed %s -g %d -tmp"
   scorefile         "News/Score"



$HOME/.slrnrc - the slrn's initialization file

$HOME/.jnewsrc - default newsrc file for slrn.  


 % This is a sample startup file for the slrn news reader.  The percent
 % character is used for comments.
 % SERVER to NEWSRC mapping
 %server .jnewrc-hsdndev
 %server .jnewsrc-stuttgart
 % The next line is for those servers that require a password.
 %hostname "YOUR.HOSTNAME"
 %set username "jdoe"
 %set realname "John Doe"
 %set replyto  ""
 % Name of signature file to use
 %set signature ".signature"
 % The quote string will be used when following up/replying
 quote_string ">"
 % If non-zero, signature will not be included in quoted text of followups
 set followup_strip_signature 0

 % This regular expression defines lines that are consider to be quoted lines.
 % It says that any lines beginning with 0-2 spaces followed by a either
 % a >, <, :, |, or = character is a quoted line.
 ignore_quotes "^ ? ?[><:=|]"
 % This sets the follow-up string.  Here, the following format specifiers are
 % recognized: %d:date, %r:real name, %f:email address, %s:subject,
 %             %m:msgid, %n:newsgroups, %%: percent 
 followup "On %d, %r <%f> wrote:"
 %Custom headers to add to post/followup
 %set custom_headers "X-Whatever: bla-Misc: bla bla"
 % WWW browser to use.  The 'U' key in article mode searches the current article
 % for a URL and then calls X browser if slrn appears to be run in X windows
 % and non_Xbrowser otherwise.
 set Xbrowser "netscape %s &"
 set non_Xbrowser "lynx %s"

 % If autobaud is present, output rate will be synced to baud rate
 % if non-zero, display first article when entering article-mode.
 set show_article 0
 % if non-zero, show description of newsgroup if available
 set show_descriptions 1

 % column where group descriptions start
 set group_dsc_start_column 40

 % If non-zero, backups of the newsrc file are not performed.
 set no_backups 0
 % If 0, do not beep terminal.  If 1, send audible beep.  If 2, send only 
 % visible bell.  If 3, send both.
 set beep 1
 % If non-zero, slrn will automatically subscribe new groups.  The default is 0.
 set unsubscribe_new_groups 0
 % If non-zero, all subject titles will be displayed even though many are
 % duplicated.  A zero value makes the screen look less busy.
 set show_thread_subject 0
 % Enable xterm mouse support: 1 to enable, 0 to disable
 set mouse 0
 % Setting either of these to 0 will enable you to move directly to the
 % next article/group without confirmation
 set query_next_group 1
 set query_next_article 1
 % if zero, you will not see the "next group:" prompt.  This is NOT the same
 % as the 'query_next_group' variable.
 set prompt_next_group 1
 % Set this to 0 for no-confirmation on follow, reply, quit, etc...
 set confirm_actions 1
 % If 0, do not display the name of the author.
 % If 1, display subject then name.  If 2, display name then subject.
 set author_display 2
 % If 0, save all groups when writing newsrc file
 % if 1, do not save any unsubscribed groups
 % if 2, do not save any unread-unsubscribed groups
 set write_newsrc_flags 1
 % If greater than 0, a Cc: header to poster will automatically be generated on 
 % followups.  If -1, prompt first.
 set cc_followup 0
 cc_followup_string "[This message has also been posted.]"
 % The sendmail command allows you to substitute another mailer.  Be sure that 
 % it implements the same interface as sendmail!
 %set sendmail_command "/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t -oem -odb"
 % Name of score file  (relative to HOME directory)
 scorefile "News/Score"
 % Name of directory where decoded files are placed (relative to HOME)
 set decode_directory "News"
 % Directory where all other files are saved.
 set save_directory "News"
 % Command used to invoke editor.  In the following example, %s represents
 % the file name and %d represents the starting line number
 %editor_command "jed %s -g %d -tmp"
 % If  non-zero, files used for posting, followup and reply will be regarded as
 % temporary files in the directory specified by the TMPDIR environment 
 % variable or /tmp.
 set use_tmpdir 0
 % If 0, do not sort.  If 1, perform threading.  If 2, sort by subject
 % If 3, thread then sort result by subject
 % If 4, sort by score.  If 5, thread then sort by score.
 set sorting_method 3
 set display_score 0
 % If non-zero, threads will be uncollapsed when a group is entered
 set uncollapse_threads 0
 % If non-zero, slrn will read the active file when starting.   This may lead to
 % faster startup times IF your network connection is fast.  If it slow, 
 % DO NOT USE IT.  If you can, I recommend setting it to 1.
 set read_active 0
 % If non-zero and read_active is zero, slrn will attempt to use the NNTP
 % XGTITLE command when listing unsubscribed groups.
 set use_xgtitle 0
 % What to wrap when wrapping an article:
 %  0 or 4 ==> wrap body
 %  1 or 5 ==> wrap headers, body
 %  2 or 6 ==> wrap quoted text, body
 %  3 or 7 ==> wrap headers, quoted text, body
 % The higher number indicates that every article will be automatically 
 % wrapped.
 set wrap_flags 4
 % Maximum number of articles to read before slrn will prompt.  Default is 100.
 % Set this to zero to turn of prompting.
 set query_read_group_cutoff 100
 % Numes of lines to read from the server between percentage counter updates
 % This number will vary with the speed of the connection to your server
 set lines_per_update 100
 % Mime support
 set use_mime 1
 set mime_charset "iso-8859-1"
 % If non-zero, call metamail for mime formats that slrn does not handle
 set use_metamail 1
 % If non-zero, header numbers will be displayed in the left-margin of the
 % header window.  These numbers may be used as ``thread selectors''.
 set use_header_numbers 1
 % If non-zero, prompt for reconnection if the NNTP connection drops.  If zero,
 % attempt reconnection without asking user.
 set query_reconnect 1
 % Character to use to hide spoiler text:
 set spoiler_char '*'
 %  Local spool configuration
 % set spool_inn_root "/export/opt/inn"
 % set spool_root "/export/news"
 % set spool_nov_root "/export/news"
 %% -- The following filenames are relative to spool_root
 % set spool_nov_file ".overview"
 % set spool_active_file "data/active"
 % set spool_activetimes_file "data/active.times"
 % set spool_newsgroups_file "data/newsgroups"
 %  GroupLens Support
 %set use_grouplens 1
 %color grouplens_display blue white
 %set grouplens_host            ""
 %set grouplens_port            9000
 %set grouplens_pseudoname      "YOUR_PSEUDONAME"
 %grouplens_add ""
 %grouplens_add "comp.os.linux.misc"

 % Colors
 color header_number green white
 color normal black white
 color error red white
 color status yellow blue
 color normal black white
 color error red white
 color status yellow blue
 color group blue white
 color article blue white
 color cursor brightgreen white
 color author magenta white
 color subject black white
 color headers brightcyan white
 color menu yellow blue
 color menu_press yellow blue
 color tree red white
 color quotes red white
 color thread_number blue white
 color high_score red white
 color signature red white
 color description blue white
 color tilde green white
 % Monochrome attributes for monochrom terminals
 mono normal            none
 mono header_number     none
 mono error             blink bold
 mono status            reverse
 mono group             bold
 mono article           none
 mono cursor            bold reverse
 mono author            none
 mono subject           none
 mono headers           bold
 mono menu              reverse
 mono menu_press                none
 mono tree              bold
 mono quotes            underline
 mono thread_number     bold
 mono high_score                bold
 mono signature         none
 mono description       none

 %------------------------  Group keymap------------------------------------
 setkey group   add_group       "A"    %  add a new newsgroup
 setkey group   bob             "\<"  %  beg of buffer
 setkey group   bob             "^K\OA"
 setkey group   bob             "^K\[A"
 setkey group   catch_up        "C"    %  mark group as read
 setkey group   down            "\OB" %  next group
 setkey group   down            "\[B"
 setkey group   down            "^N"
 setkey group   eob             "\>"  %  end of buffer
 setkey group   eob             "^K\OB"
 setkey group   eob             "^K\[B"
 setkey group   group_search_forward    "/"
 setkey group   help            "?"
 setkey group   pagedown        "^D"   %  next page of groups
 setkey group   pagedown        "\[6~"
 setkey group   pagedown        "^V"
 setkey group   pageup          "\V"  %  previous page of groups
 setkey group   pageup          "^U"
 setkey group   pageup          "\[5~"
 setkey group   post            "P"
 setkey group   quit            "Q"
 setkey group   redraw          "^L"
 setkey group   redraw          "^R"
 setkey group   refresh_groups  "G"
 setkey group   save_newsrc     "X"
 setkey group   select_group    ""   %  read articles from group
 setkey group   select_group    " "
 setkey group   subscribe       "S"    %  subscribe to group (See unsubscribe)
 setkey group   suspend         "^Z"
 setkey group   toggle_group_display    " 33A"
 setkey group   toggle_score    "K"
 setkey group   toggle_hidden   "l"
 setkey group   toggle_list_all "L"
 setkey group   unsubscribe     "U"    %  unsubscribe
 setkey group   up              "\OA" %  previous line
 setkey group   up              "\[A"
 setkey group   up              "^P"
 %---------------- Article mode keymap -------------------------------------
 setkey article goto_article    "j"
 setkey article pipe_article    "|"
 setkey article skip_quotes     "	"
 setkey article pageup          "^U"
 setkey article pageup          "\[5~"
 setkey article pageup          "\V"
 setkey article pagedn          "\[6~"
 setkey article pagedn          "^D"
 setkey article pagedn          "^V"
 setkey article post "P"
 setkey article toggle_show_author "\a"
 setkey article get_parent_header "\p"
 setkey article catchup_all     "c"
 setkey article catchup_all     "\c"
 setkey article uncatchup_all   "\u"
 setkey article catchup         "\C"
 setkey article uncatchup       "\U"
 setkey article scroll_dn       " "     % scroll to next page of article or select article
 setkey article scroll_up       "^?"    % scroll to next page of article
 setkey article scroll_up       "b"     % (scroll_up or article_pageup)
 setkey article article_lineup  "\\[A"  % Scroll article one line up
 setkey article article_lineup  "\\OA"
 setkey article article_linedn  "\\[B"  % Scroll article one line down
 setkey article article_linedn  "\\OB"
 setkey article article_linedn  ""
 setkey article  article_search "/"     % Search forward through article
 setkey article  author_search_forward  "a"     % Search forward for an author
 setkey article  author_search_backward "A"     % Search backward for an author
 setkey article  cancel         "\^C"   % Cancel the article
 setkey article  delete         "d"     % Mark current article as read and move to the next unread one
 setkey article  down           "^N"    % Move to the next article
 setkey article  down           "\[B"
 setkey article  down           "\OB"
 setkey article  mark_spot      ";"     % Set mark at current article
 setkey article  exchange_mark  ","     % Set the mark and return to the location of the previous mark.
 setkey article  followup       "f"     % Followup on the article
 setkey article  forward                "F"     % Forward the article to someone
 setkey article  help           "?"     % Show help screen
 setkey article  hide_article   "H"     % Hide the article window.
 setkey article  art_eob        ">"     % goto end of article
 setkey article  left           "\OD"
 setkey article  left           "\[D"
 setkey article  next           "n"     % next unread article
 setkey article  skip_to_next_group     "N"     % next group
 setkey article  prev           "p"     % previous unread article
 setkey article  quit           "q"     % Quit back to group mode.
 setkey article  redraw         "^L"    % Redraw the display
 setkey article  redraw         "^R"
 setkey article  reply          "r"     % Reply to the author of the current article
 setkey article  art_bob        "<"     % Goto beginning of article
 setkey article  right          "\[C"
 setkey article  right          "\OC"
 setkey article  save           "O"     % append to a file in Unix mail format
 setkey article  subject_search_forward "s"     % Search forward/backward for an article with a specific subject
 setkey article  subject_search_backward        "S"
 setkey article  suspend                "^Z"    % Suspend the newsreader
 setkey article toggle_rot13    "\R"
 setkey article toggle_sort     "\S"
 setkey article  toggle_headers "t"     % Toggle the display of some headers on and off
 setkey article  toggle_quotes  "T"
 setkey article  undelete       "u"     % Mark the current article as unread
 setkey article  up             "^P"    % Move to the previous article
 setkey article  up             "\OA"
 setkey article  up             "\[A"
 setkey article header_bob      "\<"    % Move to first article in list
 setkey article header_eob      "\>"    % Move to last article in list
 setkey article shrink_window   "^^"    % Ctrl-6 or Ctrl-^      % Shrink header window
 setkey article enlarge_window  "^"     % Shift-6 or just ^     % Enlarge header window
 %setkey article  skip_to_prev_group ""     % No default binding
 %setkey article  fast_quit          ""     % No default binding
 % This is a special hack for HP terminals to get the arrow keys working.  
 % Are there any other terminals being used with non-ANSI arrow keys?
 #if$TERM hpterm
   setkey group up "\A"       % "^(ku)"
   setkey group down "\B"     % "^(kd)"
   setkey article down "\B"
   setkey article up "\A"
   setkey article left "\D"
   setkey article right "\C"




Questions about slrn may be posted to the newsgroup where they will be answered by the author of the program. In addition, announcements of new versions of slrn are posted there.

The latest version of slrn is available via anoymous ftp from in pub/davis/slrn.



John E. Davis <>



(This list is still incomplete)

Howard Goldstein <> for updating this man page.

Andrew Greer <> for the VMS port.

Jay Maynard <> for the OS/2 port.

Michael Elkins <> for the MIME code.

Lloyd Zusman <> performed some cosmetic improvements.

J.B. Nicholson-Owens <> for extensive testing.

Mark Olesen <> for suggestions and help with AIX version.




This document was created by man2html, using the manual pages.
Time: 00:34:24 GMT, October 10, 2022