Wirenet Amiga Internet

Customer Support





Latest: A new version of THOR has been released, get the upgrade now.

Fetch news with THOR Some people have found they cannot get news with THOR after the recent changes to the news server. The symptoms are continuous modem activity followed by an error. This is caused by the server telling THOR that all the newsgroups are new, and sending the full list instead of only those that are really new.

The solution is to download this file, unarchive it and execute ResetNewGroups from a shell.

After this, you should find that THOR will only download the names of newsgroups that really are new to the server. You may want to do a GetConfList to get your newsgroup list back in sync.

NetConnect 2
If you have recently upgraded from NetConnect to NetConnect2 there are a couple of issues causing problems for a few people. See the NetConnect2 FAQ for details.

News server
U-Net have recently installed a new, faster and better, news server. The result is that you may no longer be receiving any news, and need to alter your news reader settings.

General support

Where do I go for support?

Where do I find recent status information?

How do I use multiple email addresses?

All Wirenet accounts are now set up with hostname based mail. This means all mail addressed to any user at your hostname will be downloaded together, ready for offline sorting by your mail program's filters.

There is nothing to do to set up extra email addresses, simply use them as you wish. The exact details of setting up filters within your email program vary with each program. With Thor the procedure is to run CfgSortMail.thor and set up a trigger for each address, sorting the mail for each user into a separate conference. You can then set the outgoing mail address for each conference if you wish.

Why do my mail downloads keep stopping on a particular piece of mail, and what can I do about it?

This is usually caused by a badly created email, almost always junk mail. The current solutions are to access your mailbox directly by telnet and delete the offending item manually, o r use the new WebMail service.

I am having problems logging in on the 8112 numbers, what has happened?

If you have recently experienced problems logging to U-Net, please read the information on the new Cisco servers.


What are the latest versions of the software?

THOR: The latest version of THOR is 2.6. You need to download the first three of these files. The others are optional and not needed for Internet use.
thor26_main.lha (1171K) The main archive
thor26_inet.lha (201K) The Internet functions
thor26_arexx.lha (142K) Updated arexx scripts
The above three files are necessary to install THOR 2.6. Unpack the first and copy the other two into the THOR_2.6 directory this creates. Run UpdateThor to install THOR 2.6 over a previous THOR setup. If you don't currently have THOR installed, run InstallThor instead.
The installer will ask you for the inet and arexx archives and unpack them as required. For internet access you don't need the BBS modules, so answer no to this question during installation.
thor26_docs.lha (935K) Documentation files in HTML, PostScript, PDF and TEX format
thor26_bbs.lha (98K) The BBS functions
thor26_api.lha (118K) API information for programmers
These archives are not needed for Internet access

AWeb:The latest version of AWeb is 3.2
The AWeb 3.2 upgrade was released in July. You can download the upgrade from the Amitrix web site.

New inline GIF, JPEG and PNG image decoders have been released for AWeb 3.1/3.2. Download the GIF (14K), JPEG (36K) and PNG (38K) updates and run the installers. These will install the decoders and allow you to configure the various options.

You must have AWeb 3.0 or 3.1 installed before you can install the 3.2 upgrade or the inline decoders. AWeb 3.0 is available from Blittersoft Tel: 01908 261466 email: sales@blittersoft.com

You can download a demo version of AWeb 3.2 (705K) from Aminet. Because of the restrictions on GIF software, you will have to download the image decoders separately from the Amitrix web site.

To use this with the Wirenet Dashboard, run the AWeb installer and select Wirenet: as the directory to install in. Then enter the preferences in Dashboard and select the new version for the WWW button in the User section.

Be sure you always use the latest version of ClassAct (183K).

AmiFTP: The latest version of AmiFTP is 1.843
To update, download the new version and run the included installer.

ClassAct: The latest ClassAct release is from April 1999.
It is important to always use the most recent classes, as all of the above programs rely on ClassAct to a greater or lesser extent. Download the archive (183K) and run the included installer, it won't overwrite any files unless they are out of date and need updating.

Wirenet: Wirenet.Guide
The latest Wirenet.guide is dated 25-Jul-97. The main difference is the addition of some technical information and addresses.

How do I find out more about using Thor?
Read Thor.guide in the Thor/docs directory of your Internet installation and look at the Thor FAQ

My Thor database is taking up more and more disk space
Whatever you do, do not delete or edit any files in BBS0. Instead select Pack/Purge from the General menu in Thor. This will delete all messages older than the configured expiry time. It is set to seven days by default, except for mail which is set for no expiry. You can set these in the Global, System and Conference configurations.

How do I use Miami instead of AmiTCP?
  1. Create a Miami directory inside your Internet directory and install your Miami files in there.
  2. Download one of these two config files (press shift when clicking on the link) and use the Import From Distribution menu item to import it.
    • If your access telephone number ends in "1" download the settings for a static account
    • If your access telephone number ends in "2" download the settings for a dynamic account
  3. If you have a static account, enter your IP address on the Interface page
  4. Enter your Login ID (hostname) and password on the Dialer page
  5. Enter your full nodename, i.e. hostname.u-net.com on the TCP/IP page
  6. Tick No "GUI on Startup" on the GUI page
  7. Save the settings and click on Online to check the settings
  8. Start Dashboard, select Prefs from the Project menu, go into the Dialer section and set the Stack gadget to Miami
  9. Save the settings, quit Dashboard and restart it

How do I set up MicroDot-II to collect my mail?
This is covvered in the NetConnect2 FAQ.

I can't download a news group list with MicroDot-II
This is a problem with MicroDot-I. See the NetConnect2 FAQ for an alternative method of downloading the newsgroup list.

Home pages & WWW

How do I use U-Net's new proxy server with my Amiga browser?
Full details on the new, fast, proxy server can be found at http://www.support.u-net.net/easyone/proxy/

To configure any of the three main Amiga browsers to use it, follow these instructions.

How do I create my own Home Page?
Have a look at the U-Net information on Personal Web Pages
There is also a good Guide to HTML that will help you to create pages that look good on a variety of browsers.

How do I upload it?
Use any FTP program, not a web browser, to connect to www.hostname.u-net.com, replacing hostname with your hostname. Use the same login details as you use when dialing in, i.e. your hostname and password. This will put you in your own directory on the server.

Now you upload your files, making sure your home page is called home.html The Unix system on which the WWW server runs is case-sensitive. This means that home.html and Home.html are treated as different files. Your home page must be home.html (all lower case). More information on this can be found in the U-Net instructions.

How do I use forms on my Home Page?
Look at U-Net's instructions for Forms on Web pages

How do I use a counter on my Home Page?
U-Net now supply hit counters for your home pages. Read the instructions for setting up your own counter.

Can I have a link to a guest book on my Home Page?
Guest books are now available. Read the details of how to set up and use your own, personalised, guest book.


Can I use the new 56K modem technology with my account?
Both the K56flex and X2 56K modems are now supported. K56 is supported on the normal dial in numbers of 0845 3008112 and 0845 0798112. If you use X2, dial 0845 0798120


Mail us I'm sure there is a lot more to be added to this page. If there's a question you would like to see answered here, please mail it to support@wirenet.co.uk .

This page was last updated on Wednesday 26 May 1999.
This page is copyright Wirenet © 1999