We need your support in order to complete the game. We wouldn't dare to ask for money, but would ask you to give your opinion on whether you would buy a coupon for the KARATEKA release (if we set a particular date) or not. If we get enough votes we will do offer you to do so and thus engage with releasing the game. Support shareware!) Download Win EXE Download ZIP Yes, these are the actors you remember from the old Apple ][ days! Believe it or not, Karateka is back to life with the special efforts from the Beiks action games team! Featuring 4 grayscale levels and perfect animation powered by the special animation library GrayLib, there are even more KARATEK's to come, if we are to believe our guys (and if we have enough registrations) Karateka I: imMortal Combat is more a heating-up and preparation to the core, full-story, real Karateka adventure for rescuing Mariko San. The game has 7 rounds (to the registered users), and in each you have to fight with more advanced fighter. We also plan an additional 8th level, which should be a bonus for these who register by the time we are ready to release it. If we gonna make it, it will be different than the other 7 and probably feature new actor.People told us that Karateka is a very smart way to break the keys of your Pilot if your batteries don't save them by giving up first. Be warned! Note: This game may not function properly on a colour Palm unit.