PocketShogi v.1.3.1 Guide

Mar 27, 2000

Copyright (c) 1999-2000, Masaaki Takemae.

This guide tells you how to work PocketShogi.


1. Overview
2. Usage Tips
3. Installation

1. Overview

PocketShogi is a Japanese chess program which can play against Palm/WorkPad. The PocketShogi requires any Palm device running Palm OS 3.0 or later. It is possible to play against a favorite level from among seven levels.


PocketShogi is displayed in the gray scale on the black and white screen.


PocketShogi is a shareware. You can play up to 40 turns for unregistration.

2. Usage Tips

New Game

When you select the Game menu, its commands appear on screen.


And, a new game begins when "New Game" is selected.

To move the piece

  1. You select the piece which wants to move.
  2. And, you select the position of the moving destination.

Promotion of the piece

When the piece can be promoted, the following dialog is displayed.


And, the piece is promoted when you select �gYes", and when �gNo" is selected, it is not promoted.


When you select the Command menu, its commands appear on screen. And, select �gUndo".



When "Preferences" is selected from menu "Game", the following Preference screen is displayed.


Select the skill level of the favorite by "Level". Select the first move or the second mover by "Side". The black is a first move. Select the handicap of the favorite by "Handicap".


Pawn Promoted pawn
Lance Promoted lance
Knight Promoted knight
Silver Promoted silver
Bishop Promoted bishop
Rook Promoted rook

The rule of Shogi

Please refer to the following site for the rule of Shogi.

3. Installation

Please do the following:

  1. Secure a free memory of 170KB or more.
  2. Perform a full backup of your Palm/WorkPad organizer.
  3. Copy the file PocketShogi_Eng.prc to your desktop computer.
  4. If PocketShogi before v.1.1 is installed in Palm/WorkPad organizer, you should delete it.
  5. Install the software by using Palm's Install Tool program.
  6. From your Palm computer, run HotSync(r). PocketShogi will transfer from your desktop computer to your Palm computer.
  7. When PocketShogi is started for the first time, special processing is done. PocketShogi starts immediately since the second times.


I am committed to providing quality, easy-to-use software. However, this product is provided without warranty and the user accepts full responsibility for any damages, consequential or otherwise, resulting from its use.

This archive is freely redistributable, provided it is made available only in its complete, unmodified form with no additional files and for noncommercial purposes only. Any other use must have prior written authorization from me.

The trial use of this software is up to 40 turns. Please register when the limitation is removed and used.

Thnak you.

  Change Log:

v1.3.1: v1.3: v1.2.1: v1.2: v1.1: v1.0.1: Beta 2: Beta 1:


Secure a free memory of 170KB or more.

When PocketShogi is started for the first time, special processing is done. PocketShogi starts immediately since the second times.

PocketShogi is shareware US$ 10.00.

When time exceeds 40 turns for unregistration, the following dialog is displayed.



Obtaining of registration code

You can online registration on Web.

Setting of registration code

When "Register" is selected from menu "Game", the following registration screen is displayed.


Please input the registration code to code field of this screen, and select "Register" button.

  Bug Reporting

    1. Version of PocketShogi
    2. How to re-produce the error
    3. The error message or symptoms of Palm/Pilot
    4. Palm model (upgrade or Palm III)
    5. Palm OS version and patches
    6. Lists of your pilot Hacks for Hackmaster


Please visit my website at  www.valley.ne.jp/~takemae

3Com, HotSync, and Palm Computing are registered trademarks of 3Com Corporation or its subsidiaries. Palm III, Palm OS are trademarks of 3Com Corporation or its subsidiaries.