Neon Games LICENSE AGREEMENT: This agreement is a legal contract between you, the end user, and Neon Games governing your use of this software. Using the software indicates your acceptance of this agreement. This agreement shall also be binding on any subsequent, authorized licensee. Neon Games LICENSE: 1. Neon Games grants you the right to use one copy of the Software on a single-user computer, or on a single terminal or workstation of a multi-user computer or local area network. You may not use it on more than one computer or terminal at the same time. 2. You may not sublicense, rent or lease the Software. You may permanently transfer your license to use the Software and accompanying materials by delivering to another party the original diskette(s) and materials comprising the software package, and by simultaneously destroying all copies of the Software and accompanying materials in your possession (including, but not limited to, any previous versions). Such transfer terminates your license to use the Software. The new recipient of the Software accepts this Agreement and is licensed under the terms of this Agreement upon initially using the Software. 3. Neon Games further grants you the right to make as many backup/archival copies of the software diskette(s) you feel are necessary to safeguard your investment. You may place the software on a hard disk, provided you keep the original software solely for backup or archival purposes. You may not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, copy, transfer, or otherwise use the Software except stated in this Agreement. LIMITED WARRANTY: This program is warranted by Neon Games to be free from defects in materials or workmanship for a period of 60 days from the date you purchased this product. If you notify Neon Games within the warranty period of such defects in materials or workmanship, Neon Games will replace the defective diskette. The sole remedy for breach of this warranty is limited to replacement of defective materials. This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Missouri. If you have any questions concerning this Agreement, or wish to contact Neon Games for any reason, please write to: Neon Games P.O. BOX 4188 Waynesville, MO 65583