F1GP-EdCockpit Designs for F1GP

[ Single Designs | Collections ]

Clicking on the cockpit images below will bring up the full size image. To use the designs, you'll need a registered copy of F1GP-Ed. Then you need to download the archive for the respective design. In this archive you will find (at least) the image in iff format, a readme file and a standard F1GP-Ed graphics settings file. In F1GP-Ed simply load the settings file, and then make any alterations to the image path if required. Full instructions can be found in the F1GP-Ed documentation.

If you have designed a cockpit of your own and you think it is as good as (or better than) these, then please feel free to submit it to me for inclusion on this page. Please feel free to send me a readme file with the image so that I can include it in the archive which people will download.

Single Designs

Author:James Bott
Date:23 February 1999
DownloadJBCockpit99.lha (23K)
Author:Timo Kaikumaa
Date:19 July 1998
DownloadNovellan.lha (12K)
Author:Rafal Ziarnik
Date:18 July 1998
DownloadYaper98_hff.lha (14K)
Author:David Evans
Date:28 June 1998
DownloadDECockpit3.lha (9K)
Author:Rafal Ziarnik
Date:20 June 1998
DownloadYaperCockpit.lha (13K)
Author:David Evans
Date:31 May 1998
DownloadDECockpit2.lha (14K)
Author:David Evans
Date:31 May 1998
DownloadDECockpit1.lha (14K)
Author:Alan Strang
Date:29 March 1998
DownloadAS_Cockpit98.lha (13K)
Author:Gary Leighton
Date:3 October 1997
DownloadSRS_Turbo.lha (15K)
Author:Christophe Macours
Date:26 July 1997
DownloadMcLaren-D+.lha (14K)
Author:Nigel Rowe
Date:14 November 1996
DownloadMcLaren-D.lha (12K)
Author:Alan Strang
Date:4 October 1996
DownloadASCockpit.lha (9K)
Author:Nigel Rowe
Date:26 September 1996
DownloadNRCockpit.lha (12K)
Author:Christophe Macours
Date:6 September 1996
DownloadCMCockpit.lha (25K)
Author:Matthias Fisch
Date:25 July 1996
DownloadMFCockpit2.lha (21K)
Author:David Lusk
Date:8 June 1996
DownloadDLCockpit.lha (21K)
Author:Matthew Osborne
Date:8 June 1996
DownloadMOCockpit.lha (21K)
Author:Dave McKenna
Date:8 June 1996
DownloadDMCockpit.lha (20K)
Author:Matthias Fisch
Date:8 June 1996
DownloadMFCockpit.lha (22K)
Author:Oliver Roberts
Date:8 June 1996
DownloadORCockpit.lha (24K)


A variety of different cockpits, including some '98 designs. No preview available.
DownloadPS_Cockpits.lha (200K - 21 designs) Author:Paul Snowdon Date:21 January 1998

These are also available from Aminet (game/data/PS_Cockpits.lha).

Designs for each of the teams in the 1997 season

Alan's 1997 designs

DownloadAS_Cockpits_97.lha (118K - 13 designs) Author:Alan Strang Date:20 April 1997
Designs for each of the teams in the 1996 season

Alan's 1996 designs

DownloadAS_Cockpits96.lha (74K - 9 designs) Author:Alan Strang Date:6 October 1996

Page design by Oliver Roberts - Copyright © 1994-1999, All Rights Reserved.