Date: December 2, 1992 From: Jamshid Afshar ( Subject: JCOOL 0.1 -- A free C++ class library using templates INTRODUCTION: This is the README file for JCOOL 0.1. This file and the JCOOL library are available by anonymous ftp at in the directory pub/COOL as the files JCOOL01.TXT and JCOOL01.ZIP. JCOOL is a modified version of GECOOL 2.1 (also available at in pub/COOL/GECOOL2.1.tar.Z). GECOOL 2.1 is a reworking and enhancement of Texas Instrument's "C++ Object Oriented Library" (at in ~ftp/pub/COOL.tar.Z) by some programmers at General Electric. See the file 'coolhist' for more information about the history of COOL and its spinoffs. JCOOL's main difference from COOL and GECOOL is that it uses real C++ templates instead of a similar syntax that is preprocessed by a special 'cpp' distributed with COOL and GECOOL. Of course, this means JCOOL can only be compiled with a compiler implementing templates. I named the library JCOOL so as not to confuse it with other current or future versions and spinoffs of COOL. Hopefully any further work will be merged to create a freely available and usable, portable general C++ class library. JCOOL includes the classes AVL_Tree, Association, Bignum, Binary_Tree, Bit_Set, Complex, Date_Time, Envelope, Gen_String, Handle, Hash_Table, Iterator, List, M_Vector, Matrix, N_Tree, Pair, Quaternion, Queue, Random, Range, Rational, Regexp, Set, Shared, Stack, String, Timer, Value, Vector. Most of these are class templates. So far JCOOL has only been compiled under Borland C++ 3.1. PURPOSE: C++ is a powerful tool but its major benefits cannot be achieved, nor can a new user be productive, without a good data structures library. While I hope JCOOL eventually leads to something any C++ user can confidently start with or incorporate into their existing code, this version of JCOOL is 0.1 to reinforce the fact that it is far from being fully tested or stable. Some of the tests and examples fail either because of bugs in the code or the compiler. This library is provided without warranties of any kind. My main goal in releasing it now is to improve the overall quality of C++ compilers, especially with respect to templates. I found (and reported) numerous BC++ bugs in the process of building JCOOL. Please try to compile it on any C++ compiler claiming to support templates and (loudly) report the bugs that will inevitably pop up. While I do have a long "todo" list of bug fixes and enhancements, and I do want to be kept abreast of any work, I will probably not have time to do much work on JCOOL in the near future. I am also somewhat worn out after fighting BC++ 3.1 over the past several months (though I'm sure Borland loves me :-). I will be eager to enhance JCOOL once a new, more bug-free version of BC++ is released. Please don't let this disclaimer keep you from sending comments or suggestions. I'm always interested in bug reports, fixes, or suggestions on improving this package. Please also consider letting others know about bugs or ports by posting to comp.lang.c++. DIRECTIONS: Get the file pub/COOL/JCOOL01.ZIP by anonymous ftp at It will unzip into: cool/ tests/ - test programs, makefile for tests examples/ - example programs, makefile for examples readme - *this file todo - bugs, plans changes - changes, including GECOOL changes from COOL makefile - Borland C++ 3.1 makefile to create cool.lib coolhist - a COOL history report courtesy of Mary J. Fontana - renames all files to their original UNIX names - renames all files to DOS (8.3) names *.h *.c The makefile assumes you have BC++ 3.1 installed in c:\borlandc. The large memory model is used. Please read 'todo' and 'changes' before using JCOOL as they mention bugs I've encountered. After modifing 'makefile' if necessary, do the following to install into your D:\FREELIBS directory and compile your program MYPROG.CPP. D:\FREELIBS>unzip -d JCOOL01 => creates COOL directory D:\FREELIBS\COOL>make => creates COOL.LIB D:\FREELIBS\COOL\TESTS>make runall.out => creates test*.exe and runs them D:\FREELIBS\COOL\EXAMPLES>make runall.out => creates ex*.exe and runs them C:\MYPROG>bcc -Ic:\borlandc\include;d:\freelibs;d:\freelibs\cool -ml -vi- -w -w-sig -w-amp myprog.cpp d:\freelibs\cool\cool.lib => creates myprog.exe See the TESTS and EXAMPLES directories for sample code and see the header files themselves for class documentation. You should include JCOOL headers by specifying the 'cool' path (eg, #include ). Doing so allows you to use JCOOL with other libraries containing the same file names. Use the full, case-sensitive file name so that your code is portable to less restrictive file systems. You should #include the .C file of template classes in one of your modules (see the BC++ docs for more information about template instantiation). ACKNOWLEGEMENTS: Thanks to the following for all their work on the design and implementation of COOL and GECOOL, and for making their work freely available. Mary J. Fontana ( Van-Duc Nguyen ( LGO? DLS? MBN? A general thanks to the USENET community, especially comp.lang.c/c++, for being a wealth of information and ideas. Finally, a special thanks to my s.o. Walter for putting up with my all-nighters at the office working on this and other C++ projects. SHAMELESS PLUG/PLEA: Btw, if you are in the Austin area and looking for an expert C++ programmer with 3 years work experience under DOS/MS-Windows and the ability to quickly learn other environments, please contact me for a resume. DISCLAIMERS: // // Copyright (C) 1991 Texas Instruments Incorporated. // // Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, modify, // and distribute this software, provided that this complete copyright and // permission notice is maintained, intact, in all copies and supporting // documentation. // // Texas Instruments Incorporated provides this software "as is" without // express or implied warranty. // CONTACT: Jamshid Afshar Email: or USMail: 401 E. 4th Street #403, Austin, TX 78701 USPhone: (512) 474-7455