FUTILITY DATA FILE BACKUP = This option will allow you to backup your data to any drive or directory. The backup utility with this program is simply a DOS "copy" command. If you create data files too large to fit on one diskette, you should use your own backup utility. iWhen backing up, the data files from the last specified (F2-Files) Drive & Directory will be backed up. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit SCHSFM CCHCHILD OCHMAR RCHRIN NNAMESRCH FCHTREE CHANGE KEY INDIVIDUAL HELP MENU The current Family Group can be changed by press- ing the first letter of the choices at the bottom of the screen. Spouse/Father/Mother Child Other Marriages Name Search Family Tree Esc-Quit lCHANGE CHANGE TO CHILD = Pressing a "C" will cause a pop-up window to appear, listing all of the children of the current Family Group. Pointing and pressing enter/return for the desired child will cause the key individual to be changed to the selected child. If, before pressing "C", you point at a child, that child will automatically be selected without bringing up the pop-up selection window. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit CHANGE CHANGE TO OTHER MARRIAGE Pressing an "O" will cause a pop-up window to appear, listing all spouses for the current key individual. Use the pointer to select the spouse you wish to show, then press enter. You can also add other marriages from this screen. When adding another marriage, the program will call the Individual Edit Window, then the Marriage Edit Window. Deleting a marriage will remove the marriage, but not the individual. This option could result in individuals not tied to the main family structure. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit alIEDIT CHRISTENING FIELD = Older European church parish registers often recorded the Christening (Chr) date of an infant. This date is often used to ascertain the approximate age of a child, esp- ecially when the birth date is unavailable. A child was usually christened (or baptised) within a few days of their birth. Thanks to the efforts of the early priests, these parish registers have often been the sole source of inform- ation of a child's birth. Thus, the field for christening "Chr" is included along with Birth, Death and Burial. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit FCHANGE CHANGE TO RIN = Pressing an "R" will cause a pop-up window to appear, requesting entry of a RIN. Enter a valid RIN and press return/enter to change the key individual. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit FCHANGE CHANGE TO SPOUSE/FATHER/MOTHER = The first three items (Spouse, Father, and Mother) will immediately change the key individual to the father, mother, or currently shown spouse of the current key individual. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit LCHANGE FAMILY TREE = Pressing a "T" will bring up a pedigree diagram with the key individual at the far left. The arrow keys allow you to move up and down the tree. Pressing the up or down arrow key at the far right will cause the tree to shift one generation. Pressing the left arrow key to the far left will cause the Child selection screen to appear. After selecting a child, the tree will shift down one generation. Pressing enter/return on any individual will request them as the key individual. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit plF4REA CHANGE MARRIAGE ORDER = This option allows the children to be sorted by their proper order, although they were not entered in the order in which the births occurred. It is important to enter the children in the order of their births. A pop-up window listing all children will appear. Simply enter the number of each child in the numeric fields on the left of the child's name (1 for the first child, 2 for the second, and so on). Press F9 to re-order the children or esc to abort. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit CTREE CSTORY CDIARY OORDER CUMBERLAND SOFTWARE Cumberland Tree Cumberland Story Cumberland Diary Ordering Information Esc-Quit FIEDIT EDITORS: DATE FIELDS = All dates should be entered as day of month, followed by the first three letters of the month and finally all four numbers of the year. (Example: 12 Jun 1945) Although in the U.S. it is standard practice to write a date with numbers, many other countries in using the same practice flip the positions of the date and month. This will always cause confusion. Always include all four numbers of the year. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit daDCON2 RESEARCH SUGGESTIONS: Date Conventions Page 1 = Never write a month with a number (02/11/91). Such a date could be interpreted several ways. International usage of month and day order is different from standard U.S. usage. A date such as above could be Feb 11th or Nov 2nd. The year is also ambiguous. Is it 1991 or 1891? Standard nomencla- ture should always be DD (Example: 11 Feb 1891). CYou should not attempt to convert a date to the Gregorian Calendar. Write it as given in the original document. PgDn-More Esc-Quit FDCON3 RESEARCH SUGGESTIONS: Date Conventions Page 2 = I have devised my own method of writing Chinese dates (which have been given me verbally). The Chinese calendar consists of 12 months, each 30 days long. Every few years a 13th month is inserted to help keep the year close to the correct astronomical year. The name of the months, when translated literally are First Month, Second Month, and so on. The extra 13th month can be inserted between any other month of the year, but is not called the Thirteenth Month, but rather, the Extra Month After the Xth Month. PgUp/PgDn-More Esc-Quit !RESUG RESEARCH SUGGESTIONS: Date Conventions Page 3 = So I write these months as M01, M02, and so on. The extra 13th month I write as X03 or X11, as appropriate. Thus an entire date: 12 M06 1912 or 26 M12 1878. PgDn-Menu PgUp-More Esc-Quit FF3EDIT DELETE INDIVIDUAL = This option deletes the individual from the database which the pointer is pointing to. Before deletion a prompt will request verification. This command will not work if you are pointing to the top individual in a family group. To delete that individual, change the family group to show him/her as a spouse, parent or child. You cannot delete the individual with RIN #1. (This option also has a short- cut key, the [Del] key.) PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit d UTILITY DELETE PLACE NAME = This option allows you to delete a bad place name. It may be that a place name or part of a place name was accident- ally entered in one of the edit screens. deleting a place name may take a while since the program must not only delete it from the place name file but also delete all references to that place name in the Individual and Marriage files. You can press any letter of the alphabet and the list will immediately jump to the first place name starting with that letter of the alphabet. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit FF3EDIT DELETE INDIVIDUAL [RIN] = This option allows deletion of an individual by entering the RIN. Before deletion a prompt will request verification. This command is useful for times when deletions of other individuals cut some individuals off from the main family tree and those individuals also need to be deleted. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit FDIARY2 CUMBERLAND DIARY Page 1 Full featured Diary/Journal entry program! CUMBERLAND DIARY is a shareware application program designed for diary or journal entries. Entries may be printed singly, in groups, as an entire book, or imported to CUMBERLAND STORY. It's features include: * Friendly pop-up menus and screens with extensive on-line help. 7* A word processor with cut-and-paste features. PgDn-More Esc-Quit FCUMBER CUMBERLAND DIARY Page 2 = * A Spell Check dictionary is available to registered users. 6* Optional secrecy mode with password protection and data encryption. (Allows multiple diaries.) * Headings can be included for each entry. More than one entry per day is allowed. Each entry may be up to 10 pages long (about 6,600 words.) * Imports and exports to ASCII files. * Text (word or phrase) search utility. PgDn-Menu PgUp-More Esc-Quit TDRIVE2 SELECT DRIVE AND SUBDIRECTORY Page 1 = You may set the drive and sub-directory for the Cumberland Tree data files. Leaving this field blank will cause the program to read the data files from the default (current) subdirectory. When specifying another sub-directory, you must put a "\" after the drive and sub-directory name. Below are valid examples: 9B:\ ;C:\TREE\BROWN\ 0\TREE\SMITH\ PgDn-More Esc-Quit poF2FILE SELECT DRIVE AND SUBDIRECTORY Page 2 = If no Cumberland-Tree data files exist on the specified drive or subdirectory, files will automatically be created. You can create multiple data files and use this option to switch between them. For example: two directories for two families could be created: C:\TREE\BROWN\ and C:\TREE\SMITH\. 2Upon startup, data will be read from the last specified sub-directory. If the specified subdirectory cannot be found, the default sub-directory will be used. PgDn-Menu PgUp-More Esc-Quit UTILITY EDIT PLACE NAME = This option allows you to edit an incorrectly spelled place name. Changing the place name once with this option changes it for all occurances of the place name throughout the entire database. You can press any letter of the alphabet and the list will immediately jump to the first place name starting with that letter. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit FF2FILE EMPTY DATA FILES @This option will delete all data entered into the database! Use this option with caution! PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit F3EDIT EDIT TIME LINE = This option displays a graphical diagram showing the birth, marriage and death dates along a time line of selected individuals. Use the Insert key to select individuals with the NameSearch function. The delete key will remove individuals. The left and right arrow keys will move the time line. A maximum of 50 individuals can be included on the time line. If you change the birth, marriage or death dates of an individual it will not change in the TIMELINE file. Delete and reinsert the person. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit UUSER DDRIVE EEMPTY F2-FILE User Information Drive & Directory Empty Data Files Esc-Quit EMEDIT IINCHILD DDELIND DDELRIN EETIME F3-EDIT Edit Marriage Insert Child Delete Individual Delete RIN Edit Time Line Esc-Quit CCORDER MMORDER F4-REARRANGE Children Order Multiple Marriages Esc-Quit PPRREP PSETUP FFGS TTIMEL SSTAT F5/F6-PRINT Printing Reports Printer Setup Esc-Quit FFUNCTION FUNCTION KEYS MENU OVERVIEW The six function keys, F2 though F7, are pull down menus. You may also access the menus by using the Alt key, Alt-F will bring up F2-File, Alt-E is F3-Edit, and so on. Once any menu is up all menus may be accessed by using the right and left arrow keys or pressing the appropriate function key or Alt key. 1Notice that some menu items have short-cut keys (shown to to the right of the menu item) which allow access to a particular option without going through the menus. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit MFMOVER FF2FILE FF3EDIT FF4REA FF5PR1 FUTILITY FUNTION KEY MENUS Menu Overview F2-File F3-Edit F4-Rearrange F5/F6-Print F7-Utilities Esc-Quit FGEDCOM1 GEDCOM Import/Export Page 1 The GEDCOM (GEnealogical Data COMmunications) format allows data to be shared with most other popular genealogy programs. GEDCOM is a genealogical data file standard which allows transference of data between applications. The Cumberland Tree program can recieve data from any other genealogy program which can export to a GEDCOM file. Any other program which will import a GEDCOM file can load information from Cumberland Tree. "To export a file to GEDCOM select the GEDCOM export PgDn-More Esc-Quit FGEDCOM2 GEDCOM Import/Export Page 2 = file menu item and enter the proper file name. The extension .GED will be added to the file name if it is not already included. A .GED extension is required. Press F9 to create the GEDCOM file. Every individual and family record in the Cumberland Tree data base will be exported to the GEDCOM file. 0To import a GEDCOM file, select the GEDCOM import menu item and enter the proper file name. A .GED extension is required. Press F9 to load the GEDCOM file. It would be PgUp/PgDn-More Esc-Quit FUTILITY GEDCOM Import/Export Page 3 = best to make certain that the Cumberland Tree data files are emptied (See F2-File/ Empty Data Files) prior to loading the GEDCOM file. If the Cumberland Tree files are not emptied then the GEDCOM information will be appended to the current data. However, there will be no links between the two sets of data. To create the links select "E" (Existing RIN) when adding an individual to a family structure. (See the Individual Editor.) PgUp-More PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit FMAIN MOVING AROUND HELP = This program has extensive HELP screens which contain almost the entire printed manual. The main HELP MENU accesses all help windows. In addition, all screens are context sensitive and the appropriate help windows are automatically called up when F1 is pressed within each option window. The Individual and Marriage Edit screens are also field sensitive. The help window shown in these screens depend on the current field. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit loRESUG RESEARCH SUGGESTIONS: Individual Naming Conventions = A persons name should always be shown in it's proper order with surname in CAPITAL LETTERS. DO NOT show last name first: BROWN, Edward Joseph. Below are examples of appropriate names. 1Standard English/American: Ira Johan LUND Scandinavian name with appended 'ancestry locality name: Johan Severin SVENDSEN Rage Oriental >(Surname always first): ZHENG Chooi Fong PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit NNEWEXIST CCHR SSEX NNAME DDATE PPLACE INDIVIDUAL EDITOR New/Exist Individ Christening Field Sex Field Name Fields Date Fields Place Name Fields Esc-Quit FF3EDIT INSERT CHILD = This option is used by pointing to the child who was born immediately after the child you wish to insert. This command works exactly like pressing return on the "--Add Child--" field, except that it will insert the new individual as a child in the proper order. (This option has a short-cut key, the [Ins] key. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit MHELP POVERVIEW TMAINSCR IIEDIT CCHANGE FFUNCTION RRESUG TSHARE CCUMBER CUMBERLAND TREE HELP MENU Moving around Help Program Overview The Main Screen Individual Editor Change Key Individual Function Key Menus Research Suggestions The Shareware Concept Cumberland Software Esc-Quit FMAIN CUMBERLAND TREE'S MAIN SCREEN Page 2 = The main program screen consists of one Family Group. The key individual is the first one at the top. Associated with that individual is the spouse, parents and children of that marriage. Adding or editing an individual is as simple as pointing to the appropriate location and pressing the return/enter key to bring up the Individual Edit Screen. PgUp-More PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit FMAIN2 CUMBERLAND TREE'S MAIN SCREEN Page 1 = As an individual is entered, he/she is automatically assigned a Record Identification Number (RIN). Whenever a spouse or marriage is entered a Marriage Record Identi- fication Record (MRIN) is automatically assigned. These unique numbers help identify each individual, even when there are more than one person with the same name. The RIN and MRIN are used throughout the program and are printed on many of the reports. PgDn-More Esc-Quit FMEDIT EDITORS: DATE FIELDS = All dates should be entered as day of month, followed by the first three letters of the month and finally all four numbers of the year. (Example: 12 Jun 1945) Although in the U.S. it is standard practice to write a date with numbers, many other countries in using the same practice flip the positions of the date and month. This will always cause confusion. Always include all four numbers of the year. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit DMDATE SSINGLE PMPLACE MARRIAGE EDITOR = You must use the cursor key to point at the individual whose marriage information you wish to enter. If an individual's spouse has not already been defined, the "Edit Individual" window will appear requesting you to add that person's spouse prior to entering the Marriage Editor. (This option also has a short-cut key, Ctrl-M.) Date Fields Single Parents Place Name Fields Esc-Quit EsUTILITY MERGE PLACE NAMES = This option allows you to merge two place names. If a place name has been entered twice with two different spellings they can be merged into one place name. The Primary Place Name is the one which will remain after the merging. All occurances of the Secondary Place Name in the database will be changed to the Primary Place Name. You can press any letter of the alphabet and the list will immediately jump to the first place name starting with that letter. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit CF4REA CHANGE MARRIAGE ORDER = This option allows multiple marriages to be sorted by their proper order, although they were not entered in the order in which the marriages took place. It is important to enter the spouses in the order of their marriages to the key individual. A pop-up window listing all marriages will appear. Simply enter the number of each marriage (1 for the first marriage, 2 for the second, and so on) in the numeric fields on the left. Press F9 to re-order the marriages or esc to abort. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit ceMPLACE2 EDITOR: PLACE NAME FIELDS Page 1 = When the place name is entered for the first time it will be added to the place name file and assigned a Place Name Number. The suggested entry convention is City,County/ Province,State/Country with no spaces entered after the commas in order to save space. -(Example: Preston,Franklin,Idaho) If the place name you desire is already in the place name file, the place name can be entered four different ways: 1. The place name may be re-entered by typing it in PgDn-More Esc-Quit FMPLACE3 EDITOR: PLACE NAME FIELDS Page 2 exactly as it was typed in before. If the place name is not typed in precisely (character for character) as it was entered previously it will be treated as a new name and be assigned a new record number. 2. If the record number of the place name desired is known, simply enter the number in the place name field. As soon as the enter key is pressed, the place name associated with that number will replace the number. This is the quickest way to enter a place name. PgUp/PgDn-More Esc-Quit FMPLACE4 EDITOR: PLACE NAME FIELDS Page 3 = 3. If you cannot remember the number of the place name desired you can press F4-Num-Place to access a pop-up screen which lists the place names sorted by their record numbers. PageUp and PageDn to access other place names. Use the cursor keys to point at the name desired and press enter to select. The pop-up list will disappear and the selected name will appear in the place name field. Pressing the Esc key will abort the name selection and blank out the name field. PgUp/PgDn-More Esc-Quit `=MEDIT EDITOR: PLACE NAME FIELDS Page 4 = 4. The F3-Alpha-Place command allows you to access the place names in alphabetical order. Before pressing F3 you may enter the first few letters of the name desired. Thus when F3 is pressed, the pop-up list of names will begin with place names coming alphabetically after the entered letters. For example, if the name you want to access is "Stavanger,Rogaland,Norway" first type in any number of the first few letters, such as "Sta". Then press F3 and names beginning with "Sta" will appear. PgDn-Menu PgUp-More Esc-Quit NAME2 EDITORS: NAME FIELDS Page 1 = Enter the surname in CAPITALS followed by all names follow- ing the surname in the field labeled "Surname:". Enter all names preceding the surname in the field labeled "Given name:". This allows names to be sorted by surname first despite it's location within the full name. The suggested naming convention is to enter the entire surname in CAPITAL LETTERS, while the given names are entered in lower case with appropriate capital letters. PgDn-More Esc-Quit FIEDIT EDITORS: NAME FIELDS Page 2 = If a child is being added, the surname of the father will automatically appear in the surname field. If the father of the key individual is being added, the key individual's surname will automatically appear in the surname field. If the surname is different simply type over or use the ctrl- end key to clear the field. %When entering titles, include the title with the surname: Example: John Smith - Surname: SMITH .Given: John PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit erCHANGE NAME SEARCH = Pressing an "N" will bring up a pop-up window allowing the entry of a name to search. Pressing F3 will cause a list of individuals to appear beginning with the name selected. This entry does not require a full name. It is suggested that you enter a few letters of the surname only. Given names should not be entered unless the entire surname has been entered. You can page up and down to select names before and after the requested name. Press enter/return on any name to select, or esc to abort selection. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit IEDIT INDIVIDUAL EDITOR: New or Existing = When an individual is first added you will be prompted whether this individual is a "New" RIN or "Exists" already in the database. The default is "N" for New, which will be used most of the time. Use the "Existing" RIN for cases where there is intermarriage within the family. For example, suppose an individual marries a cousin. The cousin may have already been entered as a child of an uncle. By requesting an "Existing" individual when adding the spouse the proper internal links can be made. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit FCUMBER ORDERING INFORMATION = The CUMBERLAND SOFTWARE programs may be obtained from your shareware distributor or from Cumberland Software for $5 per disk, postage paid (Distribution and Handling Fee). (Updated versions of all three Family History Programs will be sent to registered users.) Registered users also get discounts on multiple registrations. Print the registration form from the F7-Utilities menu. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit e MAIN CUMBERLAND TREE PROGRAM OVERVIEW Page 2 = Hardware Requirements: -IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/2 or compatible with 512K RAM 360K Floppy will hold about 1,400 names 1.2M Floppy will hold about 4,600 names Hard Drive will hold up to 32, names User-defined printer setup strings allow almost all printers to be compatible. (Limitations: 20 Children per marriage '8 Spouses per individual PgDn-Menu PgUp-More Esc-Quit 2.OVERV5 CUMBERLAND TREE PROGRAM OVERVIEW Page 1 = The CUMBERLAND TREE Family History Program is an application program for doing genealogy work. It allows entry of individual names, birth, christening, marriage, death and burial dates and places, tying them all together automatically as a family and extended family structure. It will print out pedigree charts, family group sheets, individual and marriage listings, ordinance check lists, descendant charts, birthdays, anniversaries, and many other reports. PgDn-More Esc-Quit ndRESUG RESEARCH SUGGESTIONS: Place Naming Conventions = Place names usually consist of three (occasionally two or four) names: City,County/Province,State/Country. To save space I do not enter "spaces" after the commas. Below are several examples of place names: fClarksville,Montgomery,Tennessee Stavanger,Rogaland,Norway %Logan,Cache,Utah .Edmonton,Alberta,Canada PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit y PLACE2 EDITOR: PLACE NAME FIELDS Page 1 = When the place name is entered for the first time it will be added to the place name file and assigned a Place Name Number. The suggested entry convention is City,County/ Province,State/Country with no spaces entered after the commas in order to save space. -(Example: Preston,Franklin,Idaho) If the place name you desire is already in the place name file, the place name can be entered four different ways: 1. The place name may be re-entered by typing it in PgDn-More Esc-Quit d IEDIT EDITOR: PLACE NAME FIELDS Page 2 = 1. Re-type the name exactly as it was first entered. 2. Enter the place name record number. 3. Use F4-Num-Place to select from a record number sorted list of place names. '4. Use F3-Alpha-Place to select from a alphabetical place name sorted list. You may enter the first few characters of a place name before pressing F3 to go quickly to the location in the list where you desire. PgUp-More PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit asPRREP2 PRINTING REPORTS Page 1 All reports are formatted for 8 1/2 by 11 inch pages. To create a report first select the report from the F5-Print1 or F6-Print2 menu. The F3 key is usually used to create the report. Whenever a report is created a file is created on the hard drive containing the report ready to be sent to the printer. The F8-key allows the report to be sent to the printer. The report may also be printed from the View Screen. Once a report is created it will remain on the hard drive until another report is created. At any PgDn-More Esc-Quit ndPRREP3 PRINTING REPORTS Page 2 = time the last created report may be viewed. Almost all reports under F5-Print1 and F6-Print2 can be aborted early by pressing "S" as shown while the report is being printed. Be patient, the report will stop printing at a convenient line, eject a page and return control of the computer back to you. If you shut off the printer you will get a red error screen. If you select Abort at this point the program will abort and you will be dropped to DOS. Use "S" to stop printing gracefully. PgUp/PgDn-More Esc-Quit FF5PR1 PRINTING REPORTS Page 3 = Notes for some of the reports: Pedigree: The auto report prints contination pages up to 100 pages. 2Ahnentafel: Prints up to 20 generations. Descendent: Prints up to 14 generations. Birthday & Anniversary Lists: Will only include individuals whose information has been enter in standard date form as explained under the Edit/ Dates Help screens. PgUp-More PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit IICON PPCON DDCON RESEARCH SUGGESTIONS Individual Naming Conventions Place Naming Conventions Date Conventions Esc-Quit IfSETUP2 PRINTER SETUP Page 1 = In this window you may specify a port or file name to output the report to a file. If a valid port name is entered, the reports are routed to the appropriate printer or port. Valid ports are as follows: LPT1 or PRN Usual port for parallel printers :LPT3 :COM1 Usual port for serial printers PgDn-More Esc-Quit FSETUP3 PRINTER SETUP Page 2 = If a valid port is not entered, the entry is assumed to be a file name and all reports are written to the current drive and directory. Usual nomenclature for files is 1-8 character base file name, a period, and a 0-3 character extension. (Example: REPORT.PRN) \The printer setup strings are sent to the printer at the appropriate time. If an untypable character is needed, enter the ASCII code in arrow-brackets. Pgup/PgDn-More Esc-Quit FF5PR1 PRINTER SETUP Page 3 EPSON CODES HP Laserjet CODES Reset: <27,64> <27,69><27,40,49,48,85. Bold: <27>G <27,40,115,51,66> Cancel Bold: <27>H <27,40,115,48,66> 16 CPI: <15> <27,40,115,49,54,46,54,54,104,48,66> 10 CPI: <18> <27,40,115,49,48,72> 1/6 Space: <27,50> <49,38,108,54,68> 1/8 Space: <27,48> <49,38,108,56,68> Pedigree L: <45> <196> Pgup-More PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit t IEDIT EDITOR: SEX FIELD = Sometimes this field will automatically contain an 'F' or 'M' if the sex is obvious to the program when adding a new individual. Otherwise enter the sex as appropriate. Only 'M', 'F' and '?' are allowed. If '?' is in the sex field, the individual cannot be married. If the individual is married '?' is not allowed in the sex field. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit SHARE2 THE SHAREWARE CONCEPT Page 1 If you are new to computers you may not have heard the term SHAREWARE. Basically this means an author or group has prepared a software program which you are free to copy and encouraged to share with others, but the author requests a REGISTRATION FEE. If you recieved this disk from a shareware distributor who charged $3 or $4 you have only paid a DISTRIBUTION/HANDLING FEE to copy and produce a disk of which NO PORTION goes to the author of the software. You are encouraged to pay the final REGISTRATION PgDn-More Esc-Quit SHARE3 THE SHAREWARE CONCEPT Page 2 = FEE which goes to the author of this software. The fee is also a matter of good conscience. The idea is that if the program is useful, you become a registered user. Cumberland Tree is a copyrighted program. Although the program is distributed under the Shareware concept and can be freely copied, there are limitations to protect the author, the program's quality and to support future ver- sions. Users may make copies of this program for trial use by others on a non-commercial basis. You are permitted PgUp/PgDn-More Esc-Quit -SHARE4 THE SHAREWARE CONCEPT Page 3 = to evaluate this program for 30 days. After that time you are required to register the program and pay the regis- tration fee or cease using the program. This program is also available from the author. I ask you to help me distribute the program by sharing unmodified copies with others. I encourage you to register your copy. Registration has a number of benefits to you: 1. Immediate three diskette package with updated versions of all three Family History series programs. PgUp/PgDn-More Esc-Quit FSHARE5 THE SHAREWARE CONCEPT Page 4 2. A printed manual for the registered program. 3. A Spell Check dictionary for registration of CUMBERLAND STORY or CUMBERLAND DIARY. 4. Registered users of CUMBERLAND TREE will recieve a version with the GEDCOM Import/Export Utility and with the beginning and ending "beg" screens removed. 5. A registration discount of $5.00 each for the other two programs if you decide to use and register them. 6. After business hours telephone support. PgUp/PgDn-More Esc-Quit FMAIN THE SHAREWARE CONCEPT Page 5 7. Lifetime registration for the program(s) you register, which includes all future updates. You may be required to pay nominal fees for distribution. 8. Automatic notice of updates and new releases offered by Cumberland Software. $9. You will be supporting the concept that allowed you to try out the program before paying for it. 10. You will be encouraging others to release valuable programs as shareware. PgDn-Menu PgUp-More Esc-Quit FMEDIT EDITORS: SINGLE PARENTS = If there is a single parent or you do not know the spouse, simply add a spouse (as a New RIN), do not enter any information and exit the edit individual screen. The individual's name will show up as a question mark "?". This will allow a child or children to be added. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit FSTORY2 CUMBERLAND STORY Page 1 Write your own or your ancestor's life story! CUMBERLAND STORY is a shareware application program to help you write and print a structured book about your life or the lives of your ancestors. It contains many ideas and suggestions with a chapter and topic outliner containing memory-jogging prompts. It's features include: * Friendly pop-up menus and screens with extensive on-line help. 7* A word processor with cut-and-paste features. PgDn-More Esc-Quit FCUMBER CUMBERLAND STORY Page 2 = * A Spell Check dictionary is available to registered users. 6* Suggested or User-defined Chapters and Topics with printable Table of Contents. * Imports text from CUMBERLAND DIARY for inclusion into your book. 2* Imports and exports to ASCII files. * Text (word or phrase) search utility. * Allows creation of multiple books. PgDn-Menu PgUp-More Esc-Quit FTREE2 CUMBERLAND TREE Page 1 THE BEST GENEALOGY PROGRAM AVAILABLE! The CUMBERLAND TREE program is a shareware application program for doing genealogy work. It allows entry of individual names, birth, christening, marriage, death and burial dates and places, tying them all together auto- matically as a family and extended family structure. It's feature include: .* Friendly pop-up menus and screens with extensive on-line help. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit PCUMBER CUMBERLAND TREE Page 2 = * Surnames are allowed at beginning, middle or end of name for full international compatibility. * Automatic copy of father's surname to child. * Enter place names only once! - pop-up window selection thereafter. 1* Printing and viewing of pedigree charts, descendant charts, family group sheets, record lists, birthdays, anniversaries, ordinance check list and many more reports. * GEDCOM Import/Export and LDS ordinance fields. PgDn-Menu PgUp-More Esc-Quit FF2FILE USER INFORMATION = The User Information Editor is the access to the name and address of the submitter of reports in the file. The name entered will be printed on many of the reports generated. There is also a field for a Title which will be used on several of the reports. The User Name and Reports Title are also displayed on the main screen. PgDn-Menu Esc-Quit DBACKUP EEDITPL DDELPL MMERGPL GGEDCOM UTILITIES HELP MENU Data File Backup Edit Place Name Delete Place Name Merge Place Names GEDCOM Import/Export Esc-Quit BACKUP CHANGE K CHCHILD CHMAR CHR CHRIN CHSFM CHTREE CORDER f CUMBER DATE [ DCON DCON2 DCON3 DELIND i DELPL DELRIN DIARY DIARY2 <* DRIVE DRIVE2 / EDITPL EMPTY ETIME ,5 F2FILE F3EDIT F4REA f: F5PR1 L; FMOVER Y< FUNCTION$? GEDCOM GEDCOM1 uC GEDCOM2 HF HELP ICON IEDIT INCHILD MAIN MAIN2 MAINSCR JV MDATE MEDIT h[ MERGPL MORDER MPLACE MPLACE2 Qf MPLACE3 )i MPLACE4 NAME NAME2 NAMESRCHRt NEWEXIST1w ORDER "z OVERV5 OVERVIEW PCON PLACE PLACE2 PRREP C PRREP2 / PRREP3 RESUG v SETUP SETUP2 SETUP3 W SEX SHARE SHARE2 SHARE3 SHARE4 SHARE5 Q SINGLE STORY STORY2 TREE TREE2 = USER UTILITY