C h i n e s e Z o d i a c by Sai-Ho Chow Chinese Zodiac versions. CZM.EXE -Chinese Zodiac option menu. CZT.EXE -Text verion of Chinese Zodiac CZG.EXE -Graphics verion of Chinese Zodiac (CGA 640x200) *.PIC -All the picture files Chinese Zodiac is programed in BASIC, it complied with QB 4.5. If any body want to have the source code, just sent me $7.00(no checks please) and a disk and returning envelop with address on it, I'll be grad to sent you my source code on both verion of Chinese Zodiac. Only 5 1/4 Low Density is available at this time. Sent it to: Sai-Ho Chow 3546 S LYNN AVE INDEPENDENCE, MO 64055 Donation and Comment are always WELCOME. If you want to sent me comment about this program, please do. Sent it to the above address or write me a message on the following bulletin board. Drafting Broad............(XXX)941-7549 Widow BBS.................(816)796-7980 Hobby House...............(816)353-5178 Computer Specialties......(XXX)236-6530 (XXX) is that I'm not sure is it 816 or 913 If you are in KC area don't worry about it If you are in other area try both. About the Author: The Author, that me. I'm now is a 15 years old kid. And this is my first program I put on BBS, and I hope you all like it. It a sample program, and it easy to use. I'm a Chinese and I am from Hong Kong about 4 years ago. If any body see some grammar error(s) please tell me. Because I'm still not very good in english!