5:51PM 12/10/93 TO: All registered FileBox owners RE: Updating FILEBOX.INI to use FileBox for WW6 FR: Bud Brown Greetings! Despite a lot of the carping and complaining you read in the CIS Forums about WW6; many of which are legitimate (e.g. the slow performance, problems with IsDirty() and the need to use SHARE), WW6 is still an exciting product that pushes the envelope in many areas. Features like AutoCorrect, variable width columns and WordBasic's new FilePreview and PicturePreview controls move WW6 beyond word processing into the realm of desktop publishers with significant power! WinWord 6 continues the migration path toward true *document* processing. OLE2 has the potential to render moot the distinction between, for example, a word processing file and a spread- sheet file and a graphics file. Although VBA hasn't yet arrived for WinWord 6, WordBasic has grown dramatically in size, power and flexibility. In particular, the addition of 400+ statments, a few important controls and the significant improvement of dialog controls open up incredible worlds of possibility. After weighing the possibilities against the trouble, I decided that for my own personal use [I am a full time pastor, a doctoral student and my wife is working on her MSW] the new power of WordBasic justified the trouble involved in moving FileBox into WW6. You've already received an e-mail message telling you of some of the new features: * MOVE You can now move files between folders by "point-and-shoot" Without a lot of annoying redraws of the screen. Ah, the joys of dynamic dialog boxes! * COPY ditto * PURGE You can step through your entire document collection, one folder and one file at a time, purging those entries that no longer point to extant disk files. It includes the ability to verify each potential purge or do it all in an automated batch file. * SPEED The enhanced array processing capabilities and the language extensions have eliminated a number of API calls. Significant improvements in speed in certain areas. I've been working on the program for about a month, now. I think it's ready for beta test, and I'm looking for your help in several areas: 1. Bugs - when and where does it crash? 2. Anomalies - where doesn't the program behave as you might expect? What is counter- intuitive? What is mislabelled? 3. Improvements - what additions and modifications need to be made? Use the program, play around with its various features and let me know what you don't like. **************************** IMPORTANT MODIFICAITON **************************** IN ORDER TO USE VERSION 6, YOU MUST MAKE ONE CHANGE IN YOUR FILEBOX.INI FILE! After reviewing the code, one area I found in need of improvement were the [Section] names in the FILEBOX.INI. Because of some data conversions and some changes in the way that initialization files are handled in WinWord, I decided to make one change which will require a manual modificiation. Currently you will find that your FILEBOX.INI looks something like this example: [Config] . . . [Folders] Folder 1=Correspondence Folder 2=Work in Progress Folder 3=Storage [Folder 1] Files=2 1=.... 2=.... [Folder 2] Files=3 1=... 2=... 3=... [Folder 3] Files=9 . . The [Folder x] section names need to be changed! The *variable setting* taken from the [Folders] section needs to be used to replace the [Section] names for each folder. By way of example, the aforementioned sample file needs to be changed to look like this: [Config] . . . [Folders] Folder 1=Correspondence Folder 2=Work in Progress Folder 3=Storage [Correspondence] Files=2 1=.... 2=.... [Work in Progress] Files=3 1=... 2=... 3=... [Storage] Files=9 . . When this one change has been made, the FILEBOX.INI is ready for version 6! ************************* INSTALLATION ************************* I haven't yet developed the installation routines, but you can handle it yourself. There are two methods, either of which you can use. METHOD # 1- Put FILEBOX.DOT in the X:\WINWORD\STARTUP directory. Rename or Delete the FILEBOX macro in your NORMAL.DOT METHOD # 2 - Copy FILEBOX.DOT into the WINWORD\TEMPLATE directory Open NORMAL.DOT Open FILEBOX.DOT Use the FileTemplatesOrganizer to copy the FILEBOX macro in FILEBOX.DOT to NORMAL.DOT Then you should be up and running!