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At its simplest level, TILEZ CHALLENGE will appear quite familiar to the seasoned user. At Level 2, interesting. At Level 3, very interesting. Level 4, very, very interesting. At Level 5, the prospective puzzle-solver will indeed find the challenge sought. And then there is Level 6, 64 tiles of numerical chaos awaiting order.... Infinite in possible moves, random with every new puzzle, TILEZ CHALLENGE will remain a constant source of challenge long after all other games are exhausted. PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS: The rules to TILEZ CHALLENGE are unmistakeable: take the numbers the computer generates and place them in order: 1, 2, 3, right to left, one row after the other until THIS: 5 8 3 2 1 7 4 6 LOOKS LIKE THIS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 In every puzzle there will be one empty space, which you must place in the lower righthand corner of the puzzle, after the highest number. There are 6 LEVELS in TILEZ CHALLENGE. At any moment you may exit a game and begin playing at a different level. Your score is the number of moves it takes to complete the puzzle. You will be attempting to achieve the LOWEST score possible. "LOWSCORES" are remembered for every level you play for the duration of ONE GAME. NAVIGATION in TILEZ CHALLENGE is done through the cursor keys OR, if you have a properly installed mouse, through the mouse. The flashing square you see on the screen represents the last tile you touched if you're using a mouse, or the CURRENT tile you're on if there is no mouse installed. To MOVE a tile using a MOUSE: Move the mouse pointer and click on a tile NEXT to the EMPTY SPACE. TO MOVE a tile using the KEYBOARD: Move the FLASHING CUBE onto a tile NEXT to the EMPTY SPACE, then press either RETURN or the SPACEBAR. The game is over when all tiles run in numerical order from top to bottom. KEYS YOU MAY PRESS DURING THE GAME: KEY ACTION --- ------ ESC QUIT THE GAME. YOU WILL BE ASKED IF YOU WANT TO QUIT/RESTART I BRINGS UP THE INFORMATION SCREEN S SHUFFLE! Shuffling the board takes all the tiles on the board and, well, shuffles them. The end effect is an entirely different board than you had a moment ago. Use this function sparingly, as it might actually worsen your cause. You may shuffle the board an unlimited amount of times during any single game without affecting your MOVES score. I've actually won once just by shuffling the board (but that was on LEVEL 1 :D )! SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: 80286 CPU, STANDARD VGA, DOS 3.0 & UP, MOUSE (OPTIONAL). SHAREWARE AND REGISTRATION INFORMATION: TILEZ CHALLENGE is SHAREWARE. For those of you new to the concept, shareware is a marketing device programmers use to bring low-cost, high-quality programs, utilities, and games to the general public. Through shareware, you download the program, as you have with TILEZ CHALLENGE, and try it for a few days. This time constitutes an "evaluation period" in which you evaluate a program. If you decide the program you downloaded is useful and/or fun, you must _register_ that program. Registration means PAYING for the program in the manner as outlined by the author in the documentation or help file accompanying the software. In many instances, you will download a program which has been disabled or "crippled" in some fashion. Programmers do this to ensure they will receive their registration fees from users who wish to use advanced features of the programs, which are usually accessible only AFTER registration fees have been paid. I'm not a big fan of that. When you want to buy a new car, you inquire about it, shop around, find one you really like, and take it for a test drive. The car is not disabled--in fact, most dealers will urge you to try the power windows, the radio, the tilting steering wheel, the power seat, and the air conditioner. Any one of these features could convince you to make the purchase. TILEZ CHALLENGE is *NOT* disabled in ANY way. You have the *COMPLETE* game. There is no expiration date, _and_ you will _never_ be interrupted by a flashing UNREGISTERED notice. I trust you will follow the rules of shareware and register the game. How do you register TILEZ CHALLENGE? It's easy: 1. PRINT OUT TILEZ.REG It is an ASCII (text) file included in this archive. This is the registration form you will be sending with your registration fee. 2. COMPLETE THE FORM. Please PRINT your name and address and answer as many as the questions as possible. 3. SEND THE FORM AND $7.00 (U.S. CURRENCY / CHECK) to the following name and address: ROBERT J. TIESS 44A Rockwood Gardens Middletown, New York 10940 As soon as you lick the envelope and drop it in the mail, you've completed the registration process and may consider yourself a REGISTERED USER of the software. Shareware is a remarkable system, and as long as there are honest users, there will be programmers eager to continue their software development and program updates. Only you can keep the shareware movement alive. TECHNICAL NOTES The font for TILEZ CHALLENGE was created using the FONTEDIT.COM program from the PC MAGAZINE utilities archive VOL7N15.ZIP, which can be located at a number of public mirror sites on the internet. TILEZ CHALLENGE was written and compiled in BORLAND C++ for DOS. A NOTE TO THE USER Please keep TILEZ CHALLENGE and all related files in a separate directory. If you intend to upload TILEZ CHALLENGE anywhere, please keep the ORIGINAL TILEZDOS.ZIP file and use that for uploading purposes. You are not authorized to modify, add, or subtract to this archive, which is limited to the following six files: TILEZ.EXE (THE MAIN PROGRAM) TILEFONT.COM (An internal program called by TILEZ CHALLENGE) NORMFONT.COM (An internal program called by TILEZ CHALLENGE) TILEZREG.TXT (THE DOCUMENTATION TO TILEZ CHALLENGE) TILES.REG (THE REGISTRATION FORM FOR TILEZ CHALLENGE) FILE_ID.DIZ (FILE DESCRIPTION FILE) You are encouraged to upload TILEZDOS.ZIP and share it with your friends and associates. You are authorized to duplicate and distribute this software as long as this is done so soley through the ORIGINAL TILEZDOS.ZIP file and in accordance to the laws of shareware. Any other method of distribution endangers the integrity of the software, which leads us to the following message: If any of the above files are missing from this archive, please DELETE the ENTIRE archive from your computer and attempt to acquire a fresh archive from an alternative source, reporting, if practical, to the keeper of the file that you suspect possible tampering. It's better to be overcautious than the victim of a computer virus. ;) That's all! Have fun! I said, that's all! Maybe there is more.... No, there's nothing else. Well, if you really want to, keep reading. OKAY, HERE'S THE SECRET TO WINNING TILEZ CHALLENGE--ON ANY LEVEL!!!! MOVE THE CURSOR BACK AND FORTH UP AND DOWN THEN BACK AND FORTH AGAIN THEN UP AND DOWN THEN BACK AND FORTH AGAIN THEN UP THEN DOWN MOVING TILES AS YOU DO THIS REPEAT SEVERAL DOZEN TIMES UNTIL.... THE FIRST FEW ROWS ARE IN ORDER THEN... HERE'S THE SECRET!!!!!!!!! DO THE SAME TO THE _SECOND_ HALF OF THE PUZZLE! EVENTUALLY IN MINUTES OR HOURS OR DAYS YOU WILL SOLVE THE PUZZLE. THIS ALSO WORKS WITH THE MOUSE MOVING THE MOUSE UP AND DOWN THEN RIGHT THEN LEFT REPEATING THIS SEVERAL DOZEN TIMES.... IF YOU THINK THIS IS RIDICULOUS... YOU'RE RIGHT! AND YET YOU KEEP READING.... AS IF THERE'S SOMETHING HERE.... AND MAYBE THERE IS. AND THEN AGAIN, MAYBE NOT. WELL, there IS. I CAN TELL YOU THE *REAL SECRET* TO WINNING TILEZ CHALLENGE. ARE YOU READY? OF COURSE YOU ARE! OR ELSE YOU WOULDN'T BE READING THIS. RIGHT? RIGHT! SO WHAT'S THE SECRET? THE SECRET TO WINNING TILEZ CHALLENGE IS THE SECRET TO LIFE WHICH IS PERSISTENCE DETERMINATION (ISN'T THAT THE SAME THING?) (No.) LOVE (Love?) ORDER OUT OF CHAOS (You mean like fractals?) (what's a fractal?) And finally, PEACE. PEACE? PERSISTENCE, DETERMINATION, LOVE, ORDER OUT OF CHAOS, PEACE AND RANDOM NUMBER GENERATORS. IT'S ALL THESE THINGS AND MORE..... OR LESS.... WHO'S TO SAY? It takes intelligence. And passion. And a little luck [randomize();] to beat TILEZ CHALLENGE. I THINK THAT'S IT. IN FACT, I *KNOW* THAT'S IT. Just when you think you've seen everything there is to see, Hear everything there is to be heard, Smell everything there is to smell, (Smell?) Taste everything there is to taste, (I'm hungry) (be quiet!) Feel all there is to feel, Something else appears, Or rubs against our noses And fills us with delight or something else in any case Have a NICE DAY. . . . |___|